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God looked down and he cried

God looked down and cried

Severe Stress, Even Before The Abuse Began
Jesus had the weight of the world on His
shoulder. Even before the crucifixion began
he clearly had physical symptoms associated
with severe stress.

The night before the execution, His disciples
reported seeing Jesus in agony on the Mount
Of Olives. Not only did he not sleep all night,
but he seem to have been sweating profusely.
So great was the stress that tiny blood vessels
were rupturing in His sweat glands, and were
emitting great red drops that fell to the ground.

Luke 22:24)

This symptom of severe stress is called hematohidrosis.
Jesus was physically exhausted and in danger of
going into shock unless he received fluids
(which he apparently did not)

This is the man that the Roman Soldiers tortured.


Having previously been beaten by the Jews.
It was now the Romans turn. The beatings
administered by Roman Soldiers were known
to be very bloody, leaving lacerations all
over the body. Romans designed their whips
to cut the flesh. These beatings were to be
very painful, so painful that it would cause
fluid build up around His lungs.

In addition, a crown of thorns was forced
into his scalp, irritating nerves in His
head. He was bruised, cut, and bleeding,
with no nourishment for hours. Jesus was
severely dehydrated.

The brutal torture could have sent him into
shock. In addition he was forced to carry
the wooden beam on while He died.


Jesus was hung naked before the crowd.
The pain was designed to be so intense
that one would long for death, but could
linger for days.

According to Dr. Frederick Zugibe, piercing
of the median nerve of the hands with a nail
can cause pain that even morphine won't help.
At the ninth hour (the time at which a scrificial
lamb was killed everyday in the Jewish Temple)
Jesus suffered on the Cross the death penalty
our sins deserve. When Jesus died on the Cross,
God's Justice and Love were perfectly satisfied.
Sin had to be punished, so God in his Love sent
his son to die in our place, bearing the death
penalty our sins deserved. This is why He cried
from the Cross,

"Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthan,?"

Which translated means,
"My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?"

(Matthew 27:46)

The full punishment for our sins was taken by Jesus.
That is how much God Loves you and me. Just before
He died, Jesus called out, "It is Finished!"


This was not a cry of defeat, but it was a cry of victory,
"I've done it!"

"Jesus said,
' Father, forgive them, for they
do not know what they do.'"
Luke 23:34

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God looked down and he cried

Bobby Groves

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