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The Day Our Nation Cryed

The Day Our Nation Crys

On Sept 11, 2001

our Nation cryed for her people

our freedom , our faith in God ,
and what we stand for was attack
many of her people were killed for
an un-justify reason.

Her people will be miss by there love
ones and will remember them always never
will we forget that awful day on Sept 11 2001

The enemies will stand trail for
what they done to our Nation and
her people it's just a mather of time

We stand by our Preident on going after all
the enemies and make them stand trail
be for this Nation for what they done

But let there be no miss understanding
If I had my way I would go over their and
falten their land out and make one big
camle parting lot with a sign that reads
as follows ( free 24 hour camle parking )
open 5 days a week from sun up to sun down
until 12 noon on Saturday close on Sundays.

Or I would falten their land out and put
a for sale sign on it that would read
( for sale dirt cheap )
But that just my feeling only.

I know God hands is on it all and he
will take care of it all

Our prayers go out to the
familys who was killed on
Sept , 11 , 2001

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Amazing Grace