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Teresa Foxworthy presents Personal Growth Services, Transformational Life Coaching, Workshops & Retreats

DAKINI LOVE, Int'l. offers Personal Growth Services, Transformational Life Coaching, Workshops & Retreats -- (415) 339 - 8131
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Dakini Love Int'l.

Welcome to an array of personal growth workshops to transform your body, mind, heart and soul. Choose from our range of topics to help you achieve a deeper level of personal fulfillment and self-actualization. Please email us for the ones that you would like to attend and we will put you on our mailing list for the next event.

Emotional Healing & Development

Walking a Spiritual Path

Throne of Power Serenity Program

Tools for Self-Discovery

Feng Shui Magic

Relationship as a Spiritual Practice

Ten-Fold Path to Personal Fulfillment

Radiance & Rejuvenation

Creating the Life You Love

Empowerment Training

June 27-29th, 2003 at The Silverado Spa Resort in Napa, California is the next Path to the Beloved retreat which will focus on Quantum Living: RE-HUMANIZING IN A HI-STRESS WORLD. This will give everyone an opportunity to go deeper into their process, allowing for emotional breakthroughs and awakening our radiant goddess and awakened warrior selves while enjoying a spa vacation! These PATH TO THE BELOVED events fill up quickly! So, sign up by emailing us now and we will notify you of the details upcoming events.

c 2002 Teresa Foxworthy / All rights reserved.

Artwork compiled by willowwhisper...
