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This section of the paper is philosophical. It is not necessary to either agree or disagree with it in order to appreciate the factual basis of preceding sections.
1) The dominant language system in this world is presently American English (military and economic power, media and communications): the subdominant power is English English (origins of the language and control of finer aspects). In language terms, and since language determines thought - and the latter action - what happens in the near future on this planet will be determined by the thought form of English language.
2) Language lives as long as humanity lives, and will never die until mankind is extinct. It is the pattern, the carrier, of group and individual 'kharma': what our forbears did and said ten-thousand years ago is now passed on to us in our evolved genes (physical) and language patterns (mental).
3) Sapir-Whorf proposes that language conditions reality. Since the mind is our organ of perception - and is significantly conditioned by language (and fortunately for us by other things as well), language affects the way we perceive reality.
4) When anyone imagines (pretends/fantasises/pictures) anything deriving from a word base - whether or not the imagining is 'spontaneous', or impelled (external influence) - then we are altering our perception, and thus reality in the broadest sense.
5) When a thousand people imagine the same thing, they are altering reality in a significant sense.
6) Actuality, the essence, is unaltered by the machinations of mankind: actuality is the carrier of all realities. It is and is in eternal moment to moment balance: here lies order and kharma.
7) Given that collective imagination can effect reality, the effects of lowest common denominator mass-media are significant in degeneratively shaping the world we live in.
9) Since language patterns are learned by children at an early age - and they will inevitably come in contact with mass-media - the patterns aimed at children by mass-media in formative years are particularly significant in shaping their, and all mankind's, reality.
10) To say more would be to digress into the obscure realms of wizardy and occultism: I suggest the reader re-appraise the New Testament, the teachings of Buddha and the rest in light of what he/she knows now.