This page deals with covert phonemic encoding of written language streams using a 'base' language (in this case English) as a common carrier and modulator.
The page content gradually morphs from standard written English into near one-hundred percent phonemic form - albeit using an English word set - as the reader progresses.
Theoretically, any and more than one language could be used.
Ultimately, as the page becomes an example of its content, the actual written words will become a carrier for phonemic modulation - in the manner of a radio signal.
The 'carrier' comprises an apparent (written) stream of varigated gibberish made up of English words arranged in grammatically chaotic form. The message does make sense, but the sense is hidden in the phonemic sound structure (the modulating stream).
To the casual observer, who would only see the jumbled, and constantly shifting, carrier at a superficial level, the word stream is incoherent. The informed observer, who can actually decode the phonemic form, can detect the intelligence carried in the message.
Human brains, unlike computers (which actually store text streams in tokenised bits), are adept at decoding phonemic messages - automatically and unconsciously - since they do it every time they hear a grammatically correct phonetic sequence in day to day speech communication. At the time of writing, any computer - or more importantly any search engine - is likely to encounter severe difficulties in interpreting such a phoneme stream as meaningful language without human intervention.
This fact permits on line communication in common English (or any other language for that matter) whilst precluding intrusive monitoring by means of normal linguistic search strings.
Once grasped, common occasion in the foam becomes relatively easy to encode with multiple (confusing) variation and is easy to decode by the sample device of 'reading aloud'. I hope you not iced, and coped with, the first shaft into for noetic form in that last sun tans and the four in this one.
Although this page has some limited relation with the notion of 'Mondegreen' (laid him on the green/Lady Mondegreen), it ultimately reaches far beyond comic sketches (Fork Handles) and misheard partial song lyrics ('Scuse me while I kiss this guy).
The process used hear relates to overlaying long streams of fun aims (the Intel gents) with sue table hononyms (encoding carriers) then rear verb sing the prossies to dick old.
1. Cliche Examples
To familiarise the reader with the process, some sample egg simples in the form of cloches are affaired below.
(If you can't see the phonemic forms, try reading them out aloud. If that doesn't work, try reading them out aloud in a 'foreign' accent, one 'foreign' to your native tougue.
[In the spoken word, the vowels act as carriers and the consonants as modulators - so shifting the vowel forms - as in a 'foreign' accent will help break the precise fixated pattern of the written word you are reading. There are very good reasons for this - see Appendix 3]
Note also that if English is NOT your native tongue, you are likely to have problems with English phoneme pattern recognition anyway.)
+ glower of publicity
+ thin king allowed
+ thin king a head
+ hood off a heals
+ toke off a bed
+ drummer quin
+ rats an rungs a fit
+ honour hol
+ cereal collar
+ plane selling
+ pack offer crap
+ pavement unkind
+ Belinda shiner chop
+ word wreck hard a tempt
+ a stick has a Bic
+ herd locks Tory
+ reed in bet win the loins
+ beast fit foreword
+ two wings done maker white
+ boat sighs odour Cohen
+ a buff hand be on decal off due tea
+ or duff and by in deck hall if do tee
+ a boffin bayou dick all oaf dew tie
+ tone then udder chick
+ Hull hat gnome fairy lake a womb hens corn
2. Pronunciation, Sound Form Association & Strange Accents
A moth is not a moth in mother, Native speakers of most languages do not pronounce the phonemes that make up the spoken words used in a consistent manner. Each pronunciation can vary according to its position in the word relative to adjacent phonemes, which modify it (a fact that causes non-native speakers of English headaches as they struggle with the wide variations).
Nor both in bother, broth in brother,
And here is not a match for there,
Nor dear and fear for pear and bear.
[George Bernard Shaw]
Some examples:‘clatter’ (‘a’ as in bat, ‘c’ as in cat, ‘e’ as in egg)To a native English speaker (or native reader), the pronunciations are obvious, being stored from early in childhood at a subconscious level during the processes of first spoken and then written language acquisition.
‘grace’ (‘a’ as in hay, ‘c’ as in sit, ‘e’ silent, but modifying ‘c’ to long ‘s’ form)
‘Governs’ (‘g’ as in go, ‘o’ as in of, ‘e’ as in egg, ‘s’ as in gaze modified by ‘n’)
‘wage’ (‘a’ as in hay, ‘g’ as in jump modified by ‘e’)
The very act of constructing and interpreting words (either aurally, as we speak and hear, or silently as we read and write) comprises a conditioned, subconscious process that we barely notice.
This is the way we ‘name’, ‘know’ and fundamentally ‘understand’ our raw sense data, by the association of groups of sound patterns with things and events at the level of deep rooted sound patterning - the ‘phonemic’ level.
It is deep conditioned and actually affects the way we construct our notions and means of perceiving the world.
In the words of Socrates:“rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward places of the soul, on which they mightily fasten, imparting grace, and making the soul of him who is rightly educated graceful, or of him who is ill-educated ungraceful”Phonemes lie at the root of our linguistic rhythms and harmonies – as does vocabulary, of which more later.
We can CHANGE the way we speak, read, and hear, change at a fundamental level, by changing the phonemes – the rhythms and timbres of which reverberate in our very physical structures when we speak and our neuro structures when we think Shake the viewing platform and you affect the perceptual processes (and we all shake the platform every day, collectively, using fixated sono-patterns). Things needn’t be fixed.
For example, lats assame thar as anly wan vawal an Anglash. Repeat this phrase out loud a few times:‘Tha cat sat an tha mat’That should get you into the swing of things – in terms of actually making meaning of ‘a’ vowelled phrases: so now read on.
What happans ta awar vacalasatan wan wa spak yasang jast thas? Say that at laad and gat sambada ta lastan ta ya. At sands laak ya spaakan an a faraan accant bat at’s stall camprahansabal.
Es es these ef yew centenew tew red et led yel prebe4ly end ep senden lek e seth efricen, yet age nets stell enderstendeble when yew get ente et.
The vowels act as carriers in normal speech, the consonants as modulators (just like the written stream acts as carrier in phonemic speech, with the actual word sounds as modulators).
3. Native Secure Documents
A peculiar consequence arises in terms of document security in the foregoing.
The actual comprehension of any text written in phonemic script - owing to the subconscious, 'early-learned', deep conditioned level of phonemic coding/decoding in speech - will be fraught with dfficulty for non-native speakers of the written language used.
This applies to any language.
4. Dip Paired Pauper off Hum a Line
(Recommended that one person reads out loud, another listens. If that doesn't work, try reading it out loud in a 'foreign' accent.)Once a porn term lung ego hen chairman he, atone culled Hum a Line hot tea play go ruts.
Peephole war fit up wide de-rates hand come plane and Lesley bout tit two mare. Poor mare howdy twit sand note no water dough.
Warn die, up paired pauper come in tone warring vary gated collar full soot, sully hut - wide balls own - hand plying estrange pope.
“Yogi mere lotto gull den cairns,” see paired pepper two mare, “an die tyke holder writs awry for rubber.”
Mire offer moon hut peered parper hover. Hate ill hum gut own wadded prattle dumb quack.
Soda paid popper peep own pope an dense four ruts hoof fallow zoned huff pips.
Paved pooper lid dumb outer tone doom tow rubber war day dial fall hen on drown dead.
Sew paid peeper common tomb hair in diamond on pie mint.
“Watt?” see mire, “Eye down now wart ewe torque inn a bite. Un-dead, hay behaving to rubble capon hop widow dish gobble decoke.
Hits down mine four keen heading, Anna gone tea clam ‘farts Midge Ure’ under baizes off common occasion foil year.”
“Ono, Ono, Ono,’ replay paired pepper. “Ono. Donor who comet waddle mayor, muddle fogger, whore a showy wit four.”
“For queue,” sigh mower.
Him half now in tension oaf pie in. Heat earn a weigh an four cough.
Soda paid popper employ gnu pope chewing four chilled wren.
Day hold ants on flow hum two mad jerk moon tin an no heaver sin a gun.
Handy moron up destroy his:
Hi ho peas day paper coals detune – baton lay heavy pies.
5. Disguising Key Words
Certain words in a document in plain view on the web (or in a text message, teet etc.) may attract more unwelcome attention than others. All words get scanned, whether you like it or not, and are thus available to those equipped with the appropriate technology for data mining.
(in otherwise 'normal' documents)
Typically, a 'censor', or data miner, will use a list of key part words, words and word strings - comprising prohibited/attention attracting items or topics - as comparative search strings on text - which in their opinion, is 'suspect'.
Generally, these strings will target 'thing' words – (nouns and nominalized verbs), although certain 'doing' words – verbs and adverbs might also attract attention. Conversely some words (see below) attract little or no attention owing to their commonality.
Apart from deep encrpytation – which in itself attracts attention & is susceptible to decoding to skilled operatives - authors can use several simple techniques, some obvious, some not so obvious to disguise their day to day messages, the type which would normally undergo mechanical computerised scans, as follows (the list is not exhaustive):
a) phonemic substitution as discussed in the main body of this article: Peyton Place becomes pate on plaice (one of many possibles)Note the use of lower case text in all codings such as to remove clue of proper noun form (search engines generally use lower case irrespective, indeed they mertely store sdequences of 'bytes', but humans use case (capitalization) to assist in identifying grammar, word type and punctuation).
b) simple mis-spelling: paton plase
c) word splitting of 'most significant' word into small 'atomic' fragments – commonly monosyllabic 'stop' words which search engines tend to ignore (or have billions of occurences of), e..g. 'pay ton plays'
d) Spoonerisation: playton peyce
e) Compression: pytn plce
f) Vowel monotonisation: piytin plic
e) backslang: notyep ecalp
f) continuous variation of phonemic form to defeat static search strings
g) rhyming slang (discussed in detail on a related website), where Peyton Place rhymes with 'dirty face' and then the rhyme gets deleted to yield: 'dirty'. [In like manner, 'stairs' = 'apples' (and pears), 'look' = 'butchers' (hook) and 'face' = 'boat' (race) etc. “Take a butchers at his boat then get over to the dirty”.]
h) straight 'code wording': Peyton Place = 'rhubarb field'
i) combinations of these
I'm not going to say much more about this: use your ingenuity.
The commonest words in any given corpus usually comprise the search, engine 'stop' words ('the', 'a' 'an', 'so', 'to', etc.) – generally ignored. A good place to hide a few needles is amongst a large stack of them.
to, too, two, 2, TUyere, hitherTO, untO, inTO, TOmb, TOgether, wanT WHO, lasT WOO, banTU, etc.
6. Word Salad
A rudimentary Word Salad comprises a stream of random words, which superficially appear to posess meaning, but which on closer inspection actually carry no specific communicatuion.
The words may or may not be grammatically accurate – or may phase in and out of grammatical accuracy. but the meaning is so confused as to be effectively non-existent.
The term can be used to describe poetry and other literary works but is also often used to describe a symptom of mental disorders or random text generated by computer.
That's the basic form: note that phonemic modulation, as described in this article, despite it's apparent chaotic grammar and randomness is not 'word salad;' since it carries intelligence.
The therapist Milton Erickson developed a further form of Word Salad comprising random words interspersed with suggestions arranged in 'islands' of meaning, islands which the observer of the word stream will seize upon amongst the chaos and register preferentially owing to their coherence due to 'well formed' grammar.
This latter feature can be effectively deployed in 'phonemic' writing by either deliberately confusing or emphasising and clarifying the phonemic intelligence in a given stream.
As examples of this:Arose biannual so confusing odour gnome wood small total gobbledegook us sweatThe phrases 'so confusing' and 'total gobbledegook' (which are the only two meaningful grammatical elements in the sentence) carry powerful suggestions to the reader, who is already struggling to find meaning, that the text is meaningless. He is therefore more likely to give up seeking meaning.
[Arose biannual so confusing odour gnome wood small total gobbledegook us sweat]Arose biannual coded in sound odour gnome wood small phonemic text us sweatHere, both suggestions that the text is phonemicaly coded bring that notion to the reader's mind – he will take these suggestions as the initial meaning of the text and persist in attempting to decode.
[Arose biannual coded in sound odour gnome wood small phonemic text us sweat]
(Note that in both cases the 'implants' or 'islands' are all grammatically correct phrases and do not contribute to the phonemic meaning. The fact that they are grammatic also signals that they are to be ignored in the phonemic derivation).
7. Jump Codes
Use of keywords or phrases to 'jump' deliberately spurious strings of text. This can be a prearranged key e.g. The word 'before' in the text string thus:Arose biannual before two one an for tee option very act session won do was before odour gnome wood small us sweatOr given in text:Arose jump to jump soda two for green day arrange fun why jump biannual odour gnome wood small us sweat
8. Google Whacks
Definition: A Googlewhack comprises a search string consisting of exactly two words (the pair not enclosed between quotation marks), that returns exactly one hit from the Google search engine. It must consist of two actual words found in a dictionary and is considered legitimate if both of the searched-for words appear in the result page. The string words must appear in the actual body of the page prose text and not lists or tables etc.
On the face of things, the probability of Googlewhacks occuring in phonemically coded text streams should increase beyond that of normal grammatical prose - owing to the random nature of the vocabulary available (as carrier) to encode the message.
Full string search engines operate by making a compressed 'Concordance' (or 'Index' - as in a book) of the gross vocabulary in their corpus.
They then search this for 'hits' on the (compressed) search string elements (the concordance being cross referred to each web page stored by the engine).
Subject to page rank rules, etc. pages with maximum number of hits for the given search string will come out on top.
So: 'deporate hollands paddings' used as part of a stream will yield two Googlewhacks (note data phone emetic streaming in tents defies little by ladle from here on in), and 'is gentlemanilness whizz egg lips buyer superfluosness' will get you one.
[Note that to rigorously check for Googlewhacks you need to put BOTH the words in your search string in inverted commas: e.g. “deporate” “hollands”, the “+” command now apparetly being defunct.]
If you use a 'Dictionary of Difficult Weirds', or the lake, (or long, bendable/homophonic words) your chances of whacks will increase. This refers to straight two word Googlewhacks within the strict meaning of the definition.
That's on the face of it. In practice however, Googlewhacks have become increasingly difficult to find/create since:a) as the web expands then so does the size of the search engine corpus/Concordance as more topics (and vocabulary) are addedWhen using phonemic encoding, 'length' becomes a problem in that the greater the compound length of a phoneme 'packet' (in one word - e.g. po li tet ra floo row eth iy leen), the more specific the sound pattern becomes - and conversely the less general/employable as a versatile sound element.
b) a competitive 'industry' of creating/finding Googewhacks has come into being that actively operates with words of increasing obscurity, complexity and (inevitably) length
Accordingly, phrases with 'obscure words' like: 'Eye adder common occasion dot deporate hollands paddings' (I had a communication that the poor ate Hollands Puddings), unless deliberately contrived for purpose, are unlikely in the extreme on web pages.
Nevertheless, an effect does occur owing to the broad diversity of carrier vocabulary in that 3,4,5,6... ...'n' word search strings are more likely to 'hit' the pseudo-random contents of carrier word streams - since they will rarely be 'topocentric' (i.e. not confined to any particular subject).
Thus, a search stream of widely diverse terms is more likely to score hits on pages with phoneme carrier streams than those in normal prose – not that the former will make much sense to the uninformed searcher (but it will no doubt create curiousity & rattle up their primitive lingustic neuro-conditioning as they read it).
Appendix 1: Sapir Whorf Hypothesis
Human beings do not live in the objective world alone, nor alone in the world of social activity as ordinarily understood, but are very much at the mercy of the particular language which has become the medium of expression in their society.
It is quite an illusion to imagine that one adjusts to reality essentially without the use of language and that language is merely an incidental means of solving specific problems of communication or reflection: the fact of the matter is that the ‘real world' is to a large extent unconsciously built up on the language habits of the group.
No two languages are ever sufficiently similar to be considered as representing the same social reality.
The worlds in which different societies live are distinct worlds, not merely the same world with different labels attached... Even comparatively simple acts of perception are very much more at the mercy of the social patterns called words than we might suppose...
We see and hear and otherwise experience very largely as we do because the language habits of our community predispose certain choices of interpretation.
["The Status of Linguistics as a Science" (1929)]
Appendix 2: Consciousness, Language and Ideation
"The question 'How does a thing become conscious?' could be put more advantageously thus: 'How does a thing become pre-conscious?'. And the answer would be: 'By coming into connexion with the verbal images that correspond to it".
[Sigmund Freud: 'The Ego and the Id']
was part tau
These page 2 do wit man hippy Asian if writ weird bi phone Ettie Culley shift thing if norm anguish languish sew has may hint telly gents deaf occult too starch by sense or ship, church onions end gene or al no see porkers a like.
Is an egg sample oaf it self de prince up halls or fur leg hazy 2 fall owe wants ergot dee hung orbit on den awl hug hot two do his red hut oil hoot a loud hunk it a coy leg two intrepid watt yaw scene. (Jest spoke hot is ye say hit hurt load an widowed train too interbred ass yea glow alone.)
In Everton these tuck nick well crate largo no burrs off gurgle wax bet well remade (eye goat occult) all bake two pry Ying I's dot might snitch ticks stings four curtain phasers, quay wads in jinn Errol Pattens in a temp tin two garden Intel in gents.
If cowers, Juan shed nee yews say pattens or gin such house to retrain very ability end in corn sister sea. Esp not ewes then term ettey oar cally nor Annie udder spilling vary ants in an knee few chewer tacks as well glib away you do do.
God lock hand beast washes in yore few tyre common equations wet dish. Halve phon enliven yes hides saw his yaw Imogen de-senses train two git dare heeds abound dish widow starch anginas.
99. Word Variants
Dials wit poonerspisms, sly ming rang, polari, bick sling, cmprssn, spellmising, very ass firms of cant an a gram well fallow sawn.
Intermezzo thank of Big Sausage of Bone maybe and of use back of cockney hoof prefix with hanging drape (in Dow cod hype out). Data four yaw googly boys tow.
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