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"Skills of the Mighty"

A.K.A. "Attack List"

This attack list lists most of the attacks done in Dragonball, Dragonball Z, and the movies. This attack has no GT moves, since an attack list was never made for GT.

Akumaito Kousen : When used, evil is found in the person’s heart. The evil then explodes. If used on a pure hearted person with no evil, like Goku, it won’t work.

Amenbono Jyutsu: If special foot pads are worn, the person can walk on water. A ninja technique.

Anoyo kara no Shunkan Idou: Used only in the movies, the attacker can teleport between the after-life and Earth.

Arale Kick: A flying kick used by Arale chan.
Arale chan

Ashi kara Kamehameha: A Kamehameha shot from the feet.

Ayatsuri no Majyutsu: Ability to control anybody with evil in their hear.

Bakuriki Demon Blast: An attack where Piccolo Daimao waves his right hand, destroying the World Capital. Very powerful.
Piccolo Daimao

Balloon Flash Bomb: A wimpy little ki attack.

Ban Kokubikuri Shyou: Palms are put together, and a large, powerful blast of electricity is shot out. It nearly killed Goku and is one of the best attacks in DB.
Jackie Chun

Barrier: An impenetrable barrier of ki is formed around the attacker.
#17, Cell, and Vegetto

Big Bang Attack: Vegeta’s first new attack as a super saiya-jin. He points his palm at the opponent, charges for a short stint, then releases the beam. It connects and makes a, um, big bang. But, the cool thing about this attack is that in Japan, Vegeta spoke it in English, not Japanese.

Bio Ekisyushyu Kyodai Ka: The ability to absorb matter and grow stronger and bigger.
Bio Broly

Body Change: Nifty little move where Ginyu shouts, Change, NOW! And he switches bodies with the victim. A yellow beam outlining the two people’s bodies connects. Then, a yellow beam from the mouth is shot out, and if it connects with the victim’s, their bodies switch. This can backfire too, he he.

Brain Crush Hammer: A pointless little Gotenks move.
Brain Crush Hammer

Breath: By taking a deep breath and exhaling, Buu can destroy entire cities. His breath is twice as strong as the strongest hurricane.
Fat Buu

Breath Niyoru Henka Beam Kaeshi : Means, Breath Beam Return. By breathing hard, large blasts of ki can be flung back.
Old Buu

Buku Jyutsu : Ability to put ki underneath one self and stand on it, AKA Flying. As the series progresses, the user can learn to become for skilled at it, flying at faster and faster speeds. At high speeds, a glow of ki is formed around the user. My friend calls this, Comet Flight, since they look like a comet.
Any body that doesn’t have wings or can perform Hikou, which is almost everybody.

Bunkai Teleport : Teleporting move where the user breaks into pieces and re-assembles in another place.

Bunretsu Kougeki: Unlimited thinking/acting duplicates are created.
Chyapa Chyai

Bunseki : Means analysis. User scans enemy for power, speed, strength, etc. through the use of Dr. Gero’s Computer.

Bunshin: User creates duplicates of themselves, which think and act like they please.
Piccolo, Krillin, Metamucha.

Bunshin no Jyutsu: 4 independently thinking and acting duplicates of himself are created. It’s a ninja technique.

Buriiko: A move in which the user flirts in order the stun the opponent.

Burning Attack: A move of Trunks’ in which he places his hands together and shoots out a beam of energy. In the anime, this attack, like Finishing Buster, has no name, but was given on in the SNES games.

Bushitsu Shyutsu Gen Majyutsu : The ability to make clothes and other simple objects materialize out of nowhere. This is a magic attack.
Piccolo, Rou Kaioushin, Akuman, Darbura, Kaiousamma.

Cell Junior Umidatsu: Cell creates little miniatures of himself. They look the same, only blue. They aren’t as strong as Cell, can’s regenerate, can’t talk, and attack like Saibamen.

Chikyuu Hokai no Ichigeki : Means Destruction of the Earth in One Attack. Little Buu uses it and destroys the Earth.
Little Buu

Chou Baku Retsu Ma Ha: A very cool attack of Piccolo’s. He charge’s up for a long time, then releases all the energy. He spreads his arms and legs out when he releases. A glowing dome of ki is formed and it destroys everything it comes in contact with.

Chou Genki Dama : Goku’s most powerful Spirit Bomb. Used against Buu, he took almost all of everybody’s energy.

Chou Jyuunan Body: The attacker’s body is so large that they can absorb most any attacks.

Chou Kamehameha: Chou means big or ultimate, so this is Goku’s best Kamehameha.

Chou no Ryoku: Enemy is held fast with invisible strands of ki.
Zangya, Bildo, Bujin.

Chou Tenkuu X Jiken: Much better, faster, and more powerful then Tenkuu X Jiken.

Chyou Kyoshin Jyutsu: A move Piccolo uses to increase is height and mass several times. He’s stronger like this and doesn’t suffer any speed lose.

Continuous Super Donuts: Multiple ki donuts are sent out, concealing the victim in a ball shape.

Crusher Ball: Jeise’s best attack. A red ball is formed and flung. It’s probably useful, but not against Goku.

Dai 4 Henshin : Means Great Fourth Transformation. Koola did this and reached a level of power past Frieza.

Daichiretsudan : Means, Great Earth Cutting Row. With the sweep of an attacker’s hand, a deep, wide, trench is cut in the ground. We don’t know what it does when it connects.

Dai Kaiten Kick : Means Great Revolving Kick. Gotenks’ version of a regular spinning kick.

DeadZone: Only Garlic Jr. can do this. He opens up a portal that sucks everything inside it. The inside is pure nothingness. Escape is thought to be impossible, but Garlic Jr. escaped once. This move was only done twice.
Garlic Jr.

Dengeki : Electricity is shot out and surrounds and electrocutes the victim.
Kami’s of the Past

Dengeki Ha : A powerful blast of electricity shot from the hand.

Den Ryuu: An electrical attack of Goku’s.

Do-Don Pa: A deadly attack related to and taught by Tsuru Sennin, the teacher of Master Roshi’s rival school. It’s shot from the index and middle finger. It’s small and skinny, but deadly.
Tao Pai Pai, Chaozu, and Tenshinhan.

Don Demo Mizu ni Kaeteshimau Non Ryoku:Move is which the fish-man Aqua makes the ring flood with water, which allows him easy swimming and attacking.

Double Attack: Two people get together and attack one person.
Salt and Taado.

Double Kikou Ha: Double ki blasts. One shot from each hand.

Dynamite Kick: Two versions of this attack. For Mr. Satan, it’s a kick. For Gotenks, it’s a kick, but the opponent travels several yards when hit and an explosion is created were the kick connected.
Mr. Satan and Gotenks

Ekishyou Ka: Messy is the word here. The user liquefies them self, shoots himself down the opponent’s throat, then solidifies, causing the person to explode.
Super Buu

Energy Absorption: This is the attack that’s used with the Android’s red circles on their palms. They grab onto you and absorb your energy into them selves. They can also absorb energy attacks if they get their hand up in time.
Android #19, Android #20

Energy Blast: Energy is shot out of the red circle in the person’s palm in an attack.
Android #20

Energy Dan: Gohan forms a ball of energy around himself. He used it to send Garlic Jr. Into the DeadZone.

Energy Gun: Janenba has many holes in his chest. He shoots energy out of those holes machine gun-style!

Energy Shyutou: Person forms a sword out of their energy.

Exploding Demon Cannon: An exploding blast of ki.
Piccolo Daimao Eye Beam: A quick, destructive beam shot from the pupils.
Android #19, Android #20

Final Flash: Wrists are put together the user charges for awhile, which looks cool. Then the ki blast is shot out, which is and HUGE ATTACK! This is also spoken in English.

Finishing Buster: An attack in which Trunks makes a series of complicated hand movements, ending in a ball of ki shot at the opponent.

Fusenka: Krillin used this attack in a Tenkaichi Budokai. He inhales, filling himself with air. He then floats through the air like a feather, which saves him from touching the ground.

Fusion: Two people fuse together. I’m not going to explain this, since it’s explained in my Fusion Section.
Goten and Trunks, Goku and Vegeta in DBGT.

Galactica Donut: A cool looking attack. Gotenks forms a ball on energy in the form of a "donut." The donut goes around the person and squeezes.

Gatai Kousen: Double attack used against Garlic Jr.
Goku and Piccolo

Gekitotsu Ultra Buu Buu Volley Ball: The person is caught in a ball on energy. Gotenks then proceeds to play Volley Ball with the person. Piccolo even plays. The scene is very funny!

Genki Dama : Or Spirit Bomb. One of Goku’s best, if not the best attack he has. He gathers energy from every living thing on the planet, the trees, people, rocks, water, air (even thought most of that stuff isn’t living.) Everybody donates a tiny bit of energy and it quickly adds up. Goku later learns to extend his energy absorbing abilities far into space. The energy ball formed is very powerful and used only when absolutely necessary. The one against Vegeta was 2 feet wide and the one on Namek was 50 meters wide.

Giji Super Saiya-jin: A fake Super Saiya-jin. Used in Movie four, it’s not really Super Saiya-jin, and it can’t be called normal either. It’s both, half and half.

Great Kick Special: Nifty little kick with a funky name.

Guru Guru Gamu: A sticky, gum-like substance that’s shot on the floor. It keeps the person fused in place.

Gyariku Hou: Also called Garlic Gun. It’s very similar to the Kamehameha. Energy is gathered in the same fashion. The beam is the same as Kamehameha, but it’s purple. Very powerful.

Hai Syu Ken: A powerful move where Tenshinhan bounces the opponent around Volley Ball style.

Hana Gaeshi Kame Ha: Tenshinhan’s form of blocking the Kamehameha. He puts his hands to his chest and blocks it.

Haretsu Majyutsu : A technique which allows Babidi to explode anybody he has complete control over.

Haru no Niku Kougeki : Means, Stretched Flesh Attack. Attacker rips off a chunk of skin, stretches it out, and wraps it around the enemy so tightly, they can’t escape.
Fat Buu

Hashyu Ken : Means 8 Fists. Attacker moves fist so fast it looks like they have, 8 fists. It’s confusing because you don’t know which fist is real, so you end up getting hit a lot.
Goku, King Chyapa

Hell's Flash: One of the coolest attacks ever! #16 throws the enemy into the ground, creating a crater. He takes off his hands, revealing arm cannons, and tucks them under his arms. He shots beams into the hole, filling the hole up with energy. The energy then shots straight up in the air. After that happens, beams split out and pop up all over the ground, causing massive damage.
Android #16

Henge : Means Change! It’s a technique where the user can shape-shift. Puar can keep the shape as long as he can concentrate, Oolong can keep it for five minutes, then must take a five minute break. Both of them went to school for this.
Oolong and Puar

Henka Beam : Means Change Beam. It’s shot from Buu’s forelock, the tentacle on his head...When shot out, it turns whoever it hits into food.
Fat Buu

Henkai Gatai: This is what the “attack” is called when Pilaf’s three robots fuse together into the ultimate robot! Power Rangers watch out!
Pilaf Robots

Henshin no Tame ni Sanogi ni Naru: Good news and bad news with this attack. The good, you can transform into a creature of massive power! The bad news, the transformation takes 1,200 years. Sorry, had to break that news to you.

Henshin Nouryoku: The ability to have multiple forms with your body so that you can control your own power.
Frieza, Zarbon

Hikari Sayu Shyu: The user eats ki energy, which in turn causes them to grow and get stronger.

Hikou : The ability to fly. Not flight with ki mind you, but actual flight.
Giran, Pteradon, Cymbal, Tamborine, #16, #17, #18

Hokaku Kon Dan : AKA Imprisonment Ball. Frieza’s move where he captures a person inside a ball of ki energy. The ball can only be touched by Frieza. When it hits the ground, it explodes.

Hokaku Technique: The ability to shrink somebody and put them in a glass jar.
Garlic Jr.

Honoo: The ability to breath fire.

Honoo no Tama: Fire blasted from the hands.

Houtai Nage: The ability for a mummy to use their wraps as weapons and hooks.

Hyper Plasma Shortcake: A strange attack that is never seen, we just hear Gotenks yell, Hyper Plasma Shortcake!

Iai Zari: Katana attack. Quick and powerful.

Ikoukan o Hatsusei: Opens up a small portal in front of the person. Small energy attacks can be absorbed. Used as a defensive move.

Iroke Kougeki: Means: Sexiness Attack. Used takes off most of her clothes in order to stun the opponent.

Irome: Not even a real attack. Bulma shows her butt at the opponent in order to let her go.

Jan-Ken : Goku’s very first move! It’s like Rock-Paper-Scissors. If Jan-Ken-Gu is yelled, it’ll correspond to rock and the attack is a punch. Jan-Ken-Chyoki is yelled, it’ll correspond to scissors and the attack is a poke between the eyes. Jan-Ken-Pa is yelled, it’ll correspond to paper and the attack is a slap.

Jibaku: A suicidal explosion. Very powerful. #16’s was caused by a bomb.
Saibamen, Choazu, #16, Cell, Kami (only in movies)

Jidashyuu Fuku Noriyoku:Ability to repair ones self.
Metal Koola

Jigen ni Ana o Akeru: A very neat maneuver in which the user screams so loud, that a dimensional tear is created between the Room of Spirit and Time and Earth. Used so Buu and Gotenks could escape from the Room of Spirit and Time.
Super Buu and Gotenks.

Jin Rui Zetsu Mestu Kougeki : Called Special Human Genocide Attack by some. Powerful attack in which the attacker locks onto every single ki in the whole world and sends up multiple ki blasts into the air. Each blast hits a person, killing them. Only a handful survived this when it was performed.
Super Buu

Kaata Nage: Also called the cutter throw. Attack in which Chichi throws her bladed helmet at the enemy. Decapitated a dinosaur with it and also attacked Master Roshi.

Kaen Houshya: A mechanical attack. Fire is shot from the arm.
Pilaf Robot 3

Kaifuku no Jyustsu: Means healing technique. Ability to completely heal those near death. Uses tentacle on head to heal.
Fat Buu

Kaifuku Power: Means healing power. The ability to heal people near death with only their hands.

Kai Kai: Ability to teleport from place to place, without having to lock onto a person’s ki.
Kibito and Kaioushin

Kaiouken: Attack taught by King Kai and mastered only by Goku. The attack increases ones speed, strength, and senses. Lasts for a few seconds. Can be increased multiple times (kaiouken x 2, kaiouken x 3, kaiouken x 10) If increased too much, person can die. Attack never is used after Goku becomes Super Saiya-jin.

Kaiten Kougeki: Also called the revolving attack, used only one. Person spins around super fast, and they are untouchable. When they stop however, they are extremely dizzy and fall to the ground.

Kakuremi no Jyustu: Attacker hides under a rock. A ninja technique.

Kakusan Kikou Ha: A large, slow moving ball of energy is thrown. The ball then splits into many parts.

Kakusan Yuudou Kikou Ha: Piccolo’s most awesome attack. He first used it against #17. The user shoots hundreds of ki beams at the opponent. They all appear to miss, but, oh no! They are suspended in the air! The float there for a second, then the user moves their fist and all the balls converge on the opponent. Escape is next to impossible.

Kamehameha: Also called the Kamehameha Wave and Turtle Destruction blast. DB/Z’s signature attack. The person gathers energy between their palms, throws their hands forward, and shots out the powerful and fast blue beam. Invented by Master Roshi and it took him 50 years to perfect. Taught to most people in Master Roshi’s school of martial arts. Goku and Tenshinhan learned it after only seeing it once.
Goku, Master Roshi, Gohan, Grampa Gohan, Cell, Majin Buu, Krillin, Yamcha, Jackie Chun, and Tenshinhan.

Kamehameha Gaeshi: A Kamehameha that blocks another Kamehameha. Goku blocked Jackie Chun’s.

Kamehameha, Max Power: Jackie Chun’s most powerful Kamehameha. Blew up the moon with it.
Jackie Chun

Kame Kame Ha: Goten’s Kame Hame Ha. He just messed up the words.

Kanashibari no Jyutsu: User stops all movement of the enemy using psychic powers. If distracted, the bond is broken.
Chaozu, Blue Shogun, Guldo, Jackie Chun, and Kaioushin

Kasada o Fuku Ramatsu: Used in the Tenkaichi Budokai. Person’s body bloats and grows bigger, pushing the opponent out of the ring.

Ketaihenka: The transformation Cell undergoes when he absorbs #17 and #18.

Ki Ai: Ki is shot at the opponent when the user screams.

Ki Aigan: A wave is ki is shot at the opponent when they are looked at.
Kaioushin and Fat Buu.

Ki Ai Hou: Person pushes the opponent back by shooting a wave of ki at them.
Goku, Frieza, Cell

Ki Akeshi: User blocks small ki attacks when they scream.
Goku and Tenshinhan.

Ki Barrier: A barrier of ki is formed around the user.

Kienzan: Called Destructo Disk over here. A buzz saw of energy that’ll cut through most anything.
Krillin, Cell.

Kikou Ha: Regular ki wave attacks. Not powerful and used only as a distraction.
Goku, Piccolo, Raditz, Krillin, Gohan, Trunks, Vegeta, Majin Buu, #17, #18, Ginyu, Raditz, Cell.

Kikouhou: Tenshinhan’s signature and most powerful attack. He forms his hands into a tri-angle and locates his opponent in the middle. He uses ki energy, but he also uses some of the energy he needs to live. Since he does this, it’s very dangerous. If too much of this life energy is used, the user could die. Master Roshi even said this attack makes the Kamehameha look like dog p*ss. This attack is also illegal, since the user can easily die.

Ki no Jyouto: User gives Goku energy so he can defeat Broly.
Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks, Piccolo

Ki no Tsurugi: A sword is formed out of pure ki.

Kobushi no Shyougeki Ha: If one raises their fists, they can cause long distance explosions.

Kochi kara Kikou Ha: A basic blast of ki shot out of the mouth.
Piccolo and Piccolo Daimao, Buu, Oozaru Goku and Gohan.

Kokan kara no Gekishyuu Kougeki :Hand is stuck down pants, wiggled around in crotch, finger is brought out, smells bad, finger brought up to face. Opponent stunned. Seriously, this attack is sick to watch.

Kokoro o Yomu: To probe into somebody’s mind to sense past events.
Jackie Chun, Karin, Goku, Guru.

Koshyuu Kougeki: The opponent takes a whiff of the user’s putrid breath, making them stunned.

Kougeki Hane Kaeshi: Used to bounce back Kamehamehas with the user’s rubbery stomach.

Koukyuu Gata Kikou Ha: A powerful ball of ki energy.

Kousengan: A ki blast from the eyes.
Tenshinhan, Frieza, Piccolo, and Piccolo Daimao.

Kousokuidou: Goku jumps around at alarming speed, causing sonic boom-like sounds. He can be heard but not seen.

Kuchibue : Means whistling. If Nameks hear a human whistling, it hurts their ears extremely. Affects only Nameks.

Kuchi kara no Kaen : A blast of fire shot from the mouth.

Kuukanteni Punch and Kick: A cool looking move. A portal is created and kicks and punches are thrown into it. A portal opens next to the opponent and they are bombarded with the attacks.

Kyodaika: User’s body becomes huge and muscular.
Garlic Jr., Vinegar, Cashew.

Kyou Ken : Also called Mad Dog Attack. User gets on all fours and attacks.

Kyuketsu: Blood is sucked out of the enemy.
Dracula Man

Kuuchyu Teishi: When an opponent gets ready to punch, Goku disappears and appears above them.

Kuuchyu Teishi: Attack used by a caterpillar in matches. He tickles you until you forfeit the match.

Kyuushyuu: Person absorbs another person. Cell uses his tail, Buu, his body.
Super Buu and Cell

Machine Gun: A machine gun attached to the arm with almost unlimited ammo.
Pirate Robot

Machine Gun Tsuki: When the opponent is has his/her back to a wall, this attack is done. The attacker’s arm moves rapidly, like a machine gun.

Mafuba : A powerful attack used to seal demon’s in the Denshi Jar. The attacker goes through a set of moves and shots out a spiral beam. If the beam connects, the attacker guides the demon into the Denshi Jar. If performed right, the user dies.
Kami, Master Roshi, Tenshinhan, Mutaito Sennin

Mafuba Gaeshi : The ability to deflect the Mafuba.

Magaru Kamehameha : Turn around Kamehameha. Kamehameha is shot out at the opponent and appears to miss them. It then comes around and hits them from behind.

Magic Barrier: A barrier of magic is formed around the user, but it can be broken.

Magic Slime Hajyu: A magical slime that sticks to you, crushing you to death. But, it’s not the most powerful attack in the book.

Magnum Sundae: I’ve never really seen it, but I’ve heard it. It’s one of Gotenks kooky little “attacks.”

Makkankosappo : The Special Beam Cannon for us Americans. A neat attack that Piccolo uses often. He raises his index and middle finger to his forehead, then points his hand out. Two beams are shot out. The first is straight, the second screws around the first. It took Piccolo 5 minutes to charge for it the first time, but later got so good he could do it right away.

Makousen: A blasts of magic, not ki.
Piccolo Daimao, Piccolo.

Masenkou : A pretty powerful attack of Gohan’s. Both hands are put together and raised above the head. Then are then shot outward, releasing the beam.
Gohan, Piccolo, Trunks in the movies.

Mini Gokou: Ah, um, a strange attack where the user creates mini Goku clones that do whatever Goku does.

Mini Janenba: Another strange attack where the attacker makes mini Janenba clones.

Mirai o Yochi Tsuru Mabaroshi no Ken: If the attacker hits the victim in the back of the neck just right, they can see the future for a second.

Miracle Super Punch: Punch with special name.

Ni Jyuu Zanzouken: Same as Zanzouken, only two after images are left behind.
Jackie Chun

Ningen Tatsumaki : Means Human Tornado. Goku spins around and around, causing a, uh, tornado. Not very useful.

Ninjinka: A technique that turns the enemy into a carrot just by touching them!
Boss Rabbit

Ninjinka Kaijyou : A technique where you turn the carrot back into a person!
Boss Rabbit

Nobiru Shita : A technique where the attacker can extend his tongue to any length and wrap it around the opponent.

Nobiru Ude : The ability to extend one’s arm to any length.

Oozaru: The Saiya-jin ability to change into a giant were-monkey. Power is increased 10 times. Happens when 17,000,000 Brute Waves are absorbed. Brute waves are the energy given off by a the moon of a planet, like earth.
Any Saiya-jin with a tail.

Paparapa: Multi-purpose magic where the user can teleport people nad things or make things appear.

Power Ball: Another nifty little move. A ball of energy is formed and flung into the air. It explodes and gases are released. The gases mix with the gases in the air and produce Brute Waves. This causes a saiya-jin to transform. Bardock didn’t invent this though, he was a low-level fighter, not a scientist.
Vegeta and Turlus

Power Keisoku: The ability to scout out power levels, just like using a scouter. #16 is the only Android that can do this.

Power Tackle: A sort of tackle like maneuver that isn’t very powerful.

Purple Comet Crash: One of Jeice and Burter’s attacks where they combine to perform te maneuver.
Jeice and Burter

Purple Comet Z Crash: Another combined effort that’s yields no fruit.
Jeice and Burter

Psychokenesis: Ability to move objects with ones mind.
Ginyu, Guldo, Cell, Majin Buu, Chaozu, Frieza, Blue Shogun

Reekuumu Eraser Gun: A powerful blast of ki shot from the mouth. Krillin hit Recoome before he could hit Vegeta with it, so the blast went out of his mouth and nose, blowing out most of his teeth.

Reekuumu Kick: Powerful kick that was used to snap Krillin’s neck.

Reekuumu Maha Attack: The Recoome Boom! This is Recoome’s best attack, or so he says. He never saw it though, Goku stopped him before he could finish.

Renzokou Kamehameha: Kamehameha that circles around and around. Goku used it while training on the way to Namek.

Renzokou Kienzan: Basically a bunch of kienzan’s thrown at once.

Renzokou Kikou Ha: Multiple blasts of ki shot from the hands.
Gohan, Goku, Vegeta, Recoome, Vegeta, Piccolo, Majin Buu, and Dodoria.

Renzoku Shine Shine Missile : Powerful and effective move in which Gotenks shots multiple ki missiles.

Ring Jyou no Energy Ball: Used in the Vegeta vs. Goku battle. Vegeta slammed Goku against a rock. He shot out five rings of ki, one around each wrist, ankle, and one around the neck.

Rocket Punch: Androids use this move, and it’s fairly neat. They shoot off their fist. It travels and smacks the opponent. It’s not the most powerful move in the book, but surprises the opponent pretty good.
#16, Metallic

Rolling Attack Satan Punch: Mr. Satan rolls on the ground, then delivers a punch.
Mr. Satan

Rolling Thunder Punch: A rolling punch that has no usefulness.

Rouga Fufu Ken: Wolf’s Fang Fist in USA. Yamcha crouches down, then jumps at his opponent. It’s like a Kaiouken, because Yamcha gains speed and power, but not nearly as powerful.

Ryu Ken : One of Goku’s neatest attacks. He rushes at the enemy, shouts, Ryu Ken! Then disappears and a dragon appears in his place. The dragon flies through the opponent’s stomach, then wraps around them. More sections of dragon come out of the ground. They all constrict at once, light flashes, the dragon is gone, and the attack is done, victim dead.

Saikou Waza : Means Ultimate skill and is Nappa’s best attack. It’s a ki blast from the mouth.
Nappa (duh!)

Saimin Jyutsu:Hypnotism. Jackie Chun makes Man wolf think Krillin’s head is the moon. It works and Man wolf turns into a man.
Jackie Chun

Saisei: Ability to regenerate part of one’s body. Cell can do it with one cell or the central brain nerve. Nameks if head is left. Buu is the tiniest bit of dust is left.
Piccolo, Nail, probably all Nameks, Cell, Buu.

Saishyuu Saigo no Waza : Possibly Vegeta’s best move. Vegeta sacrifices his life against Buu. Explosion is a kilometer or more wide. Vegeta is turned to stone when it’s done.

San Jyuu Zanzouken: Same as Zanzouken, only three after images are left behind.

Saru Ken : In an attempt to confuse the opponent, the attacker jumps around the ring and acts like a monkey. Used once.

Satan Miracle Special Ultra Super Megaton Punch: Most powerful attack ever! More powerful than Goku turning SSJ4, doing an Kaiouken x1000, then a Chou Genki Dama. It doesn’t even compare. Actually, it’s just a punch with a special name. Mr. Satan used it in a match. He made it up in 5 seconds and couldn’t remember the name of it one minute later!
Mr. Satan

Satsu Shin Punch: Similar to Satan Miracle Special Ultra Super Megaton Punch, only more powerful. Actually, this again is just a punch w/ a fancy name.

Sawa Yakanaze: Attacker spins their arm around and around, creating a gust of wind.
Jackie Chun

Seki Katsuba: The opponent, or victim I should say, is spit on, turning them into stone. The only way to get back to normal is to kill the spitter.

Senzai Nouryoku o Hikidatsu: This is the ability to unlock hidden powers within somebody.
Guru and Rou Kaioushin

Shield: A protective barrier of ki is formed. Gohan used it to protect Krillin and Piccolo from being sucked into the DeadZone.

Shin Kikouhou "New Kikouhou": Better and more powerful than the Kikouhou.

Shin Rouga Fufu : Faster and more powerful Rouga Fufu Ken.

Shipo o Kaiten Sasete Sora o Tobu: Ability to spin around user’s tail, allowing him to hover above the ground like a helicopter.

Shipo Kougeki : Ability to attack the enemy with ones tail.
Giran, Goku, Buyan, Cell, Frieza, Radtiz.

Shi Shin no Ken : Also called 12 eyes. Tenshinhan’s useful techniques in which he concentrates and creates three duplicates of himself. The duplicates think and move on their own, but Tenshinhan’s power is divided between them.

Shitatsuki: Attack punches opponent with their tongue, killing them.
Tao Pai Pai

Shunkan Idou : Also called Instantaneous Movement. If locked onto somebody’s ki, the user can teleport anywhere in the universe. Very nifty.
Goku and Cell

Shunkan Idou Kamehameha: Also called the Teleportation Kamehameha. The person gathers energy like the Kamehameha, then teleports behind them and lets them have it.

Shyougeki Ha: By raising ones finger tips, the attacker can cause explosions far away.
Nappa, Cell, Piccolo, Piccolo Daimao.

Shyougekizan: Ability to move around large pieces of material and debris in the air.

Shyouken: Neat little attack in which user grows two more arms.

Souki Dan : Yamcha’s signature move. A small baseball sized ball of ki is released. Yamcha can move the ball using only his fingertips. It’s semi-powerful and is very fast.

Speed Up: Increases one’s speed.

S.S. Deadly Bomb: Giant, slow moving ball on energy, powerful enough to destroy the earth.
Android #13

Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack: Awesome attack! Attacker expels a white blobbish creature that resembles himself. The ghost as it is called, has it’s own personality, but if touched or moved slightly, it’ll explode.

Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack 10 Ghosts in One Shot: One of Gotenks best attacks in which he spits out 10 ghost, which can all explode. Very funny since all ghosts have their own personality.

Super Do Don Pa: Exactly the same as Do Don Pa, only Cyborg Tao Pai Pai uses it. It’s launched out of his arm.
Cyborg Tao Pai Pai

Super Saiya-jin: Anybody know what this is, I can’t figure it out. Actually, this and all the other forms of Super Saiya-jin are explained in my, Super Saiyan Section. Look there, more info is given.

Super Saiyan Splash Attack: An attack performed only once, which was in the Room of Spirit and Time. User puts their hands together and squirts water out at the enemy. The jet of water that shoots out isn’t your typical jet of water, it’s much more powerful and faster. It looks similar to a fire hose to put it mildly.

Tai Naibuki (2 Hon no Ken) : Also used only in the movies, this time though, the attacker takes two swords out of their body.

Tai Naibuki (Kyoudai Na Ken) : Used only in the movies, the user rips a sword out of their body and attacks with it.

Taiyouken : Called Solar Flare is America. Another one of Tenshinhan’s nifty little attacks. The sun has to be out. User’s hands and fanned out and put to the face. The attack is yelled and the sun is directed into the opponent’s eyes, blinding them for a bit.
Tenshinhan, Krillin, Goku, and Cell.

Taiyou Kousen Hanshya : Krillin invented this attack. He directs the suns rays into the enemy’s eyes with the use of his bald head. Useful.

Tajyuu Zanzouken: Same as Zanzouken, only multiple after images are left behind.
Jackie Chun and Goku.

Tako Ashi Kougeki : Used by an octopus. He grabs the opponent with his tentacles and shakes them up and down.

Tamago o Umu: Nameks way of reproducing. They create an egg in their mouth and spit it out. This is asexual.
Guru and Piccolo Daimao

Tan Kougeki : Move is which Bacterian spits on you.

Tatamigaeshi: Floorboards are lifted up to protect one from ninja stars, or shurikens.

Tenkuu X Jiken: Attacker jumps in the air, crosses their arms in an X on their chest, and slams down on the enemy.

Terepashi : Or telepathy. It’s the ability to speak to someone through their mind or heart.
Guru, Goku, King Kai, Dende, Nail, Kami, Piccolo.

Time Stop: Time Freeze here in America. By holding his breath, Guldo can freeze time and only he can move about. He can only freeze time as long as he can hold his breath.

Tobidatsu Tsume : Means Jumping Slash (oh yeah, like that name!!!) The attacker jumps in the air and slashes at his opponent with his claws.

Tobidatsu Tsume :Attacker uses their big hands, wraps them around the enemy, and squeezes.
Metallic and Oozaru Vegeta.

Toomi no Jyutsu: By closing one’s eyes, they can see what’s going on in a different part of the universe or world.
King Kai, Dende, Kami, Piccolo, Rou Kaioushin

Totsugeki! : Means, Charge! The attacker jumps high into the air and drops like a rock unto the victim below...

Toujyou Cool Pose: Gohan and Videl’s little posing they do before a battle. Sailor Moon anybody?
Great Saiyaman 1 and Great Saiyaman 2

Touketsuken: A blast of wind the covers everything it touches in ice.

Tsuibi Kienzan: Frieza’s kienzan. Can be controlled with the wave of the user’s hands. Very deadly. Multiple can be controlled at once.

Tsuibi Kikou Ha: A blast of ki that follows you around.
Krillin and Piccolo

Tsui Ken : Or called Drunken Fist. User stumbles around, looking like they are drunk. The drunken staggering is actually a complex set of moves, and they can be highly effective.
Jackie Chun

Tsui Ton no Jyutsu: User can breath under water using only a pond reed. A ninja move.

Tsukashiipe: User farts on opponent, sunning them.
Krillin and Bacterian.

Tsu no Beam : A beam of ki shot from Piccolo’s antenna.

Udebunri Kougeki: Attacker rips off their own arm and uses it in an aerial fashion.
Little Buu

Ultimate Speed Dash: Attacker moves at incredible speeds in an attempt to scare the enemy into forfeiting. It doesn’t work well, so when completed, the user is out of breath and forfeits themselves!

Ultra Missile Punch: A punch with a neat name. Not very powerful.

Usana: Fortune telling like magic. Allows Uranai Baba to look in her crystal ball.
Uranai Baba

Waiting Kamehameha : Energy is gathered, but not released. When the opponent comes after you, then it’s released, used once, and it was against Frieza.

Wild Boar Attack: User gets down and charges at opponent like a wild boar, then they head butt them.

Yoini Min Min Ken : AKA All Good Children Must Go to Bed Technique. A chanting move that puts the enemy to sleep. It’s said that only Jackie can awaken the victim.
Jackie Chun

Yubisaki kara no Kikou Ha: A semi-powerful blast of ki shot from the finger tips.
Kami, Cell, Piccolo Daimao, Piccolo, #18, Vegeta, Frieza, Fat Buu.

Yubisaki kara no Shyougeki Ha: By pointing ones finger at a certain direction, one can cause a long distance explosion. Semi-powerful, but super fast.

Yubisaki kara Renzokou Kikou Ha: Similar to Yubisaki kara no Kikou Ha, only the finger tip blasts are multiple.
Cell and Frieza

Yubitsuki: Index finger touches opponents forehead, killing them.
Tao Pai Pai

Yuugou : Another type of fusion, this time it’s between Namekians. Check out the fusion section.

Zanzouken: A very neat technique in which the attacker moves so fast that they create an after image of themselves.
Krillin, Jackie Chun, Goku, Piccolo

Zanzou Majyutsu: Instead of the attacker moving so fast an after image is created, the image is created with magic.

Zenshin kara no Shyougeki Ha: Arms and legs are spread out, and a powerful explosion of ki is sent in every direction.
Vegeta and Fat Buu

Zutsuki: Head-butt to chest.
Arale Chan