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*How Fast are You Aging?*

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Live Extension Medical Advice
Aging Discussion
Vital Capacity
Kidney Function
Bone Density
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Life Extension
Medical Advice

EDTA chelation IV therapy: Must be administered in a medical office under the direction of a doctor who has been trained in EDTA IV chelation therapy.
Available from: Doctor’s offices.

EDTA suppositories: Each suppository is 1/10 a normal IV dose. Suppositories come packaged ten to a box. Therefore one box is equivalent to one medically administered EDTA chelation IV therapy. The suppositories can be administered in the privacy of your home.
Available from: Doctor’s offices.

Super Antioxidant: What is a Free Radical? A Free Radical is an unstable oxygen molecule that possesses an unpaired electron. This molecule is constantly trying to become whole by robbing cells of vital components. These biochemical compounds called Free Radicals damage our body and its cells. Both external pollutants and biochemical process of the body cause excess Free Radical reactions; Environmental pollutants, numerous food additives, and stress are only a few of the many ways Free Radicals are formed. The way in which Free Radicals are normally kept in check is by the action of Free Radical Scavengers that occur naturally in the body. These scavengers neutralize the Free Radicals. It’s important to assist our body by additionally supplementing daily with Antioxidants. Supplementation with only a few antioxidants though, gives us much less protection, than utilizing a complete array of antioxidants. This is due to the fact that the antioxidant defense system works as a team. If members of the team are missing, the outcome is poor. Maximum protection requires the complete array of established antioxidants in nutritionally meaningful amounts. Super Antioxidant was formulated with this understanding.
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Co-Q-10: Coenzyme Q-10 is a naturally occurring substance found within our food and is synthesized by each and every cell of our body. It is a vitamin-like substance that resembles Vitamin E, but is an even more powerful Antioxidant. It is the only antioxidant found in human tissue. Coenzyme Q-10 declines with age and should be supplemented in the diet. The New England Journal of Medicine reports that Coenzyme Q-10 alone is effective in reducing mortality. Its functions include: 1. Antioxidant ability - By scavenging free radicals this compound stops damage to cell membranes that may occur from excess free radicals 2. Energy function - Coenzyme Q-10 is vitally important in the formation of ATP by the cells of the body. ATP is the molecule responsible for energy stores within the body. All cell functions are dependent on adequate cellular levels of ATP. Adequate levels of ATP must be maintained or the body suffers from severe energy loss and poor organ function. The supplemental use of Coenzyme Q-10 has been well researched in cardiovascular disease. There are numerous double blind studies that show its benefits in congestive heart failure and cardiomyopathy (poor pumping of the heart). Co-Enzyme Q-10 appears to increase the heart’s ability to tolerate lower levels of oxygen and has shown benefits in individuals with angina (chest pains from decreased blood flow to the heart). It also benefits allergies, asthma, and respiratory disease, and is used to assist the brain for abnormalities of mental function such as those with Alzheimer’s.
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Vitamin E Plus: Vitamin E plus includes ALL the naturally occurring forms of Vitamin E, not just the alpha tocopherol form as found in most available brands of Vitamin E. This health fact is extremely important, as the ingredients within Vitamin E Plus have been shown effective in suppressing free radicals that are not controlled by the use of only alpha tocopherol alone. Studies have shown these mixed tocopherols have enhanced immune system benefits, improved antioxidant properties, and improved cardiovascular benefits above and beyond common forms of Vitamin E.
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Ester-C® with Bioflavanoids: Vitamin C performs many vital functions within the body. It increases the strength and integrity of connective tissue, supports the immune system, fights viruses and some bacteria, functions as an important antioxidant and enhances adrenal gland function. Power Health’s Ester-C polyascorbate is a breakthrough in Vitamin C. This esterified form of Vitamin C has been shown to increase white blood cell ascorbate levels four times more than usual forms of Vitamin C. Power Health’s Ester-C also provides bioflavanoids to enhance Vitamin C bioavailability while assisting in maintaining capillary and vein health.
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Aging Discussion

Major factors of aging: The aging process involves many factors and usually include the faltering of many otherwise normal functions in more youthful bodies. The faltering functions likely include: the breakdown of immune function; the related problem of free-radical proliferation and the breakdown of body tissues, especially the peroxidation (excessive oxidation) of fatty acids in cellular membranes; coronary heart disease, hardening of the arteries and the breakdown of circulation; slow healing of wounds, injuries, and lesions; digestive disorders and the breakdown of nutrient absorption and metabolism; elimination disorders and the breakdown of the body’s main detoxifying system; skin wrinkling; autoimmune disease; decrease in size and function of the thymus gland; demineralization of bones and the resulting loss in height and strength. Reducing the burden on your body can slow all of the above down.

Free Radical Damage: A healthy cell membrane consists of layers of lipid molecules, neatly arranged within the membrane wall. Incorporated within the membrane is Vitamin E and Selenium. Membrane proteins may interact with membrane lipids to launch biochemical reactions, resulting in healthy physiologic responses. When damage to the intracellular membranes occurs, the ultimate result is biochemical disaster and this terminates in health catastrophe.

Oxidative free radicals can severely disrupt the organization of the cell membrane, the amount of disruption being determined partly by the amount of free radicals and partly by the potency of the free radical itself. Lipid peroxidation of the intracellular membranes occurs, and interior cell components such as mitochondria and lysosomes, which control cellular metabolism, is disrupted. Cellular homeostasis is altered and disease results.

Free radicals may be derived from our environment (sunlight, x-rays, radiation, chemicals, heavy metals), ingested foods or drinks, or produced within our bodies during chemical reactions. The majority of free radicals present in the body are actually produced within the body. However, exposure to environmental and dietary free radicals greatly increases the free radical load of the body.

Most free radicals in the body are toxic oxygen molecules. It is ironic that the oxygen molecule is the major source of free radicals when it is oxygen that sustains life. Compounds that prevent free radical damage are called antioxidants.

In addition to aging, free radicals have been linked to a number of human diseases including atherosclerosis, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, cataracts, Osteoarthritis, and immune deficiency.

Smoking: Cigarette smoking is a good example of how to increase free radical load. Much of the deleterious health effects of smoking are related to extremely high levels of free radicals being inhaled.

Cross Linking: After the free radical damage and cellular membrane damages occur, then cross linkages begin to set in. The cross linking could be likened unto many strands overlying the outside of the cell membrane. This makes the cell membrane more rigid, less flexible, and less permeable to nutrients going in and out of the cell bodies. It is a build up of cross linkages in the skin that is partly responsible for reduced elasticity of the skin. Skin elasticity can be measure simply with a pinch test. (Details below.)

Antioxidants: Antioxidants prevent or delay deterioration by the action of oxygen. Examples of Antioxidants are betacarotene, selenium, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and Lipoic Acid. Taking extra Vitamin E and C, with an effective Antioxidant formula, is good preventive medicine.

Calcium: One of the main effects of aging is the accumulation of calcium in the skin, in all internal organs of the body, and in the cells walls, etc. Some have referred to this calcification as “turning into a stone”. As we age our skin becomes wrinkled and less elastic. This loss of elasticity can be measured with a simple pinch test.

Pinch Test: Simple way to measure loss of elasticity in skin. Pinch the skin on the back of your hand tightly for one minute, then let go. Aged tissue will be slow to return to normal, IE, loss of elasticity. Count the number of seconds it takes for you skin to return to normal. Then compare with the chart below. This chart is an estimate of the “biological age” of your skin. It is assumed this estimate is a close estimate of the biological age of the rest of your body. Magnesium EDTA will remove accumulated calcium. (Note: Calcium EDTA will NOT remove accumulated calcium because that EDTA already has calcium complexed into its matrix.)

Time in Seconds

01 seconds: Biological age: 30
02 seconds: Biological age: 35
03 seconds: Biological age: 40
06 seconds: Biological age: 45
08 seconds: Biological age: 50
10 seconds: Biological age: 55
16 seconds: Biological age: 60
24 seconds: Biological age: 65
35 seconds: Biological age: 70
40 seconds: Biological age: 75

Time in Seconds

01 seconds: Biological age: 30
01 seconds: Biological age: 35
02 seconds: Biological age: 40
04 seconds: Biological age: 45
06 seconds: Biological age: 50
09 seconds: Biological age: 55
14 seconds: Biological age: 60
20 seconds: Biological age: 65
30 seconds: Biological age: 70
40 seconds: Biological age: 75

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Vital Capacity

Vital capacity is the amount of air we can exhale from our lungs. As we age we can expect to lose 37.5% of our vital capacity.(*1) The lower our vital capacity, the less oxygen we have access to from our lungs, to our tissues. Oxygen levels in our bloodstream drop from 97% to 80% as we age. This means less endurance and less resistance to infection. 30 treatments of EDTA increases average vital capacity 12.8%. This is like rejuvenating your lungs by 15 years. (*2)

1. Biological aging measurement, clinical applications. Ward Dean, M.D. 1988
2. Effects of EDTA chelation and supportive multivitamin / trace mineral supplementation on Chronic Lung Disorders: A study of FVC and FEV. Charles Rudolph DO, PhD, Edward McDonagh DO, ACGP; McDonagh Medical Center.

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Kidney Function

We typically lose 50% of our kidney function as we age. (*1). EDTA chelation has been shown to improve kidney function. According to Dr. McDonagh, D.O., “those with relatively low serum Creatine levels increases; those in the area of approximately 1.0 mg/dl (the ideal measurement of renal clearance) remain unchanged.” (*2) Thus, EDTA is shown to have an adaptogenic or normalizing effect on the kidneys.

1. Biological aging measurement, clinical applications. Ward Dean, M.D. 1988
2. The effect of EDTA chelation therapy plus supportive multivitamin / trace mineral supplementation upon renal function: A study in serum Creatine. E.W. McDonagh, D.O., C.J. Rudolph, PhD, D.O., and E. Cheraskin, M.D. DMD.

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As we age, our fibrinogen levels rise steadily. (*1). Hypercoagulated blood, caused by high fibrinogen levels, has been associated with heart disease, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and many other diseases. EDTA inhibits fibrinogen and thus may effectively deal with the inevitable rise in fibrinogen as we age.

1. Biological aging measurement, clinical applications. Ward Dean, M.D. 1988

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Albumin is responsible for the transport of calcium, zinc, copper and magnesium into the body, and in removing the toxic metals mercury, nickel and cadmium out of the body. (*1)We lose 15% of our albumin as we age. (*2). With cancer, we can lose more than 50% of our albumin. EDTA can make up for this lost albumin by assisting with the transport of minerals in and out of the body.

1. All about Albumin: Biochemistry, Genetics and Medical applications. Theodore Peters, Jr. p. 126-127, 1996.,br> 2. Biological aging measurement, clinical applications. Ward Dean, M.D. 1988

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Bone Density

We loose bone density as we age. Men will lose about 30% and women about 40%. In addition, 40% of women over the age of 50 will have a fracture within their lives due to osteoporosis. EDTA has been shown to increase bone density by stimulating the osteoblasts, which are the hard-bone forming cells.

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DISCLAIMER This information is provided for Educational Purposes Only and has NOT been designed to diagnose, treat or cure any health conditions. Please consult a qualified Health Care Professional with Nutritional Training to diagnose your health conditions and avoid self-diagnosis. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated statements about these health topics or any suggested product compositions.