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*Brief Autobiography*

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I remember well as a very young child, watching grown-ups that were married. I observed how some marriages were very loving, deeply so, while others spoke of love but the emotions just were not present. As I grew older some grown-ups started to confide in me about their marriages. Sometimes they would ask me what I thought, but usually they just wanted to unload some things that were troubling them. Later on in life, while I was in my early 20’s, I began to notice when chronic illnesses were present in marriages, that some of those really loving marriages were no longer emotional or romantic. That twinkle of love they once had for each other in their eyes was gone. What happened? It appeared that no matter how strong we think we are inside, each of us has limits. That until such time when our personalities finally become perfect and we are able to be tolerant of all challenges with loving assurance; when someone does reach their limit, consequences can occur that can be detrimental to the eternal welfare of the couple. We are after all human, and each of us will progress to higher levels of maturity during our lifetime, at our own pace. Sometimes we just need some help to get through the trying times. This help could be in the form of physical health care, financial, friendship, emotional and / or marriage counseling. At the top should the constant, but humble search for accurate spiritual guidance, direct from our Heavenly Father. No other source is pure.

Quality of family life, beginning especially at the core of the family, which I firmly believe is the husband and wife totally united, is of highest importance to me. Highest defined as eternal. Yet some very loving marriages were failing due to constant health problems that were interfering in the unity of the husband and wife. My primary goal in this life is to assist as many couples to succeed in eternal joy, one with another. Not just succeed, but to harvest and magnify that spark of romance that is at the heart of a truly joyful marriage.

I had considered a career in marriage counseling, but what I really wanted was the opportunity to work full time in the spiritual, or eternal affairs of my Heavenly Father. When I found out that these callings cannot be decided upon by man, but must be called upon by God, I knew therefore I must choose a way that I can contribute in the temporal affairs of man, that will affect as much as possible, the eternal goals.

Natural Health Care was my next choice. If I could do everything possible to either prolong the youthful vigor of people, and / or re-strengthen the constitution of the people (defined as internal physiological strength), this could be my contribution to those who seek eternal love as Lue Jean and I seek. If perhaps Lue Jean and I can lend a helping hand that will help get others through the physical trials that as humans we are not yet strong enough to tolerate, then perhaps individuals and marriages can be improved. And that initial twinkle of love that we first felt for our spouses when we were dating for the first time can be relit, and even made brighter.

It all centers around the health and happiness of the individual, which creates a better sense of emotional personal well-being, which then translates into better relationships with our spouse, then our children, then our family, friends, and everyone with whom we have the privilege to get to know. I am sure anyone can relate how much pleasure is experienced when in the presence of a delightful person.

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