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*Cancer, fighting back*

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Cancer, Prevention is the Key, Medical Advice
Cancer, fighting back, Discussion
Cancer Risk by Blood Type
Cancer Risk Reduction with EDTA
Cancer Risks
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Cancer, Prevention is the Key
Medical Advice

EDTA chelation IV therapy: Must be administered in a medical office under the direction of a doctor who has been trained in EDTA IV chelation therapy.
Available from: Center for Environmental Medicine, L.L.C.
Portland, OR, 503-261-0966

EDTA suppositories: Each suppository is 1/10 a normal IV dose. Suppositories come packaged ten to a box. Therefore one box is equivalent to one medically administered EDTA chelation IV therapy. The suppositories can be administered in the privacy of your home.
Available from: Center for Environmental Medicine, L.L.C.
Portland, OR, 503-261-0966

Dynamic Multi-Plus™: The Ultimate Multiple with Energy Factors Dynamic Multi-Plus is no ordinary Multi-Vitamin. The powerful revitalizing, energy-giving ingredients allow you to experience a sustaining energy, “The Feeling of Nutritional Well-Being” that will enhance the very quality of your life. Dynamic Multi-Plus provides powerful, health-giving and life-supporting nutrients. Complete nutrition is needed for basic health status.
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Super Antioxidant: What is a Free Radical? A Free Radical is an unstable oxygen molecule that possesses an unpaired electron. This molecule is constantly trying to become whole by robbing cells of vital components. These biochemical compounds called Free Radicals damage our body and its cells. Both external pollutants and biochemical process of the body cause excess Free Radical reactions; Environmental pollutants, numerous food additives, and stress are only a few of the many ways Free Radicals are formed. The way in which Free Radicals are normally kept in check is by the action of Free Radical Scavengers that occur naturally in the body. These scavengers neutralize the Free Radicals. It’s important to assist our body by additionally supplementing daily with Antioxidants. Supplementation with only a few antioxidants though, gives us much less protection, than utilizing a complete array of antioxidants. This is due to the fact that the antioxidant defense system works as a team. If members of the team are missing, the outcome is poor. Maximum protection requires the complete array of established antioxidants in nutritionally meaningful amounts. Super Antioxidant was formulated with this understanding.
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Co-Q10: Coenzyme Q-10 is a naturally occurring substance found within our food and is synthesized by each and every cell of our body. It is a vitamin-like substance that resembles Vitamin E, but is an even more powerful Antioxidant. It is the only antioxidant found in human tissue. Coenzyme Q-10 declines with age and should be supplemented in the diet. The New England Journal of Medicine reports that Coenzyme Q-10 alone is effective in reducing mortality. Its functions include: 1. Antioxidant ability - By scavenging free radicals this compound stops damage to cell membranes that may occur from excess free radicals 2. Energy function - Coenzyme Q-10 is vitally important in the formation of ATP by the cells of the body. ATP is the molecule responsible for energy stores within the body. All cell functions are dependent on adequate cellular levels of ATP. Adequate levels of ATP must be maintained or the body suffers from severe energy loss and poor organ function. The supplemental use of Coenzyme Q-10 has been well researched in cardiovascular disease. There are numerous double blind studies that show its benefits in congestive heart failure and cardiomyopathy (poor pumping of the heart). Co-Enzyme Q-10 appears to increase the heart’s ability to tolerate lower levels of oxygen and has shown benefits in individuals with angina (chest pains from decreased blood flow to the heart). It also benefits allergies, asthma, and respiratory disease, and is used to assist the brain for abnormalities of mental function such as those with Alzheimer’s.
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Digestive Support: This is a multiple enzyme formula. Enzymes are responsible for every activity of life. Each and every chemical reaction that takes place within the human body requires enzymes. Our digestive processes are dependent on adequate levels and functioning of digestive enzymes. Raw food has intact enzymes that assist in digestion. Mother nature intended us to obtain these enzymes from our food sources. Most individuals, though, ingest high amounts of cooked food devoid of such enzymes. As our own body's enzyme function likely diminishes with age, failure of proper digestion can result. This may evolve into a lack of adequate nutrition and the development of a number of chronic medical conditions. Power Health International supplies a complete array of high enzymatic activity premium plant based digestive enzymes to support your health. For optimum health, it is recommended to take Digestive Support with each of your meals. Health NOTE: Individuals with extreme cases of Gastritis, Gastric or Duodenal Ulcers should begin their Enzyme Supplementation with Gastric-EEZ and gradually transition over to Digestive Support in approximately 4-6 weeks. This is due to the situation that Protease may temporarily have a burning sensation on individuals with these situations, thus Gastric-EEZ does not contain Protease.
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Cats Claw: Cat’s Claw supports enhanced immune system function by augmenting white blood cell activity. Cat’s Claw (uncaria tomentosa) is grown in the highlands of the Peruvian Rainforest. The inner bark is harvested in an ecologically sound manner so the plant is not destroyed. This herb has been used traditionally for intestinal health and to fight viral infections.
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Vital Food: (Natural Fruit Blend & Natural Vegetable Blend) Many individuals do not obtain the recommended level of fruits and vegetables from their diet and benefit from supplementation. Vital foods provide an all-natural whole food source of minerals, enzymes, vitamins and important phytochemicals. All of these phytonutrients play a critical role in maintaining health. Natural Fruit Blend provides important antioxidants and bioflavanoids that have demonstrated significant benefits in the prevention of chronic diseases. Most organ systems of the body benefit by the nourishment of these fruit based nutrients. Natural Fruit Blend assists in cleansing the body and nourishing it with important nutrients, including cancer-fighting antioxidants. Natural Vegetable Blend provides a myriad of restorative and wellness enhancing nutrients that play an important role in immune enhancement, cancer prevention, liver detoxification and prostate health. Natural Vegetable Blend assists in Restoration and Building the body, boosts the immune system, assists in removing wastes and balancing the metabolism. Natural Vegetable Blend also aids in the control of obesity by removing excess body fat. Power Health International’s Vital Foods are natural nutritional formulas made from plants that assist the body in detoxification, as well as supply the body with minerals, enzymes and many other important nutrients.
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Cancer, fighting back

Fighting cancer should include strong immune system support. This can be most effectively administered with Vitamin / Mineral Intravenous (IV) therapy, plus additional Amino Acid Intravenous therapy. Patients diagnosed with cancer should locate a doctor who understands nutritional IV therapy. A proper recipe for a Vitamin / Mineral IV therapy should include HCl. HCl stimulates White Blood Cells (WBCs) to become more active. There are many other potential ingredients that either must be included, or could be included that I will not discuss here. An improperly mixed IV can be dangerous and should only be calculated by a doctor trained in this area. Suffice it to say we want to add any and all nutritional factors, which is needed for all enzymatic reactions of immune function, plus liver support.

The idea of an additional Amino Acid IV is for building strength overall. The recipe for an Amino Acid is not as comprehensive as a Vitamin / Mineral IV simply because such a large portion of the IV is taken up with the Amino Acid itself.

I have treated cancer patients in the role of support. Not in the role of curing. I work with the patient who also works with their MD for medical support. However in those patients that I do treat, they have more strength, higher white blood cell count, and higher immune system function. They are happier and healthier.

Prevention is the key with this disease. While we do not understand yet the entire causative factors, prudent advice is to minimize toxic environmental exposure, eat adequate levels of fruits and vegetables, and learn adaptive stress techniques to maintain a healthy immune system.

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Cancer Risk by Blood Type

Type A Blood:
Age 00 – 39: 08% Risk
Age 40 – 49: 18% Risk
Age 50 – 59: 29% Risk
Age 60 – 69: 43% Risk
Age 70 – 79: 52% Risk
Age 80 – 89: 53% Risk
Type AB Blood:
Age 00 – 39: 00% Risk
Age 40 – 49: 16% Risk
Age 50 – 59: 21% Risk
Age 60 – 69: 40% Risk
Age 70 – 79: 48% Risk
Type B Blood:
Age 00 – 39: 04% Risk
Age 40 – 49: 06% Risk
Age 50 – 59: 08% Risk
Age 60 – 69: 14% Risk
Age 70 – 79: 22% Risk
Age 80 – 89: 26% Risk
Age 90 – 99: 28% Risk
Type O Blood:
Age 00 – 39: 00% Risk
Age 40 – 49: 01% Risk
Age 50 – 59: 03% Risk
Age 60 – 69: 04% Risk
Age 70 – 79: 09% Risk
Age 80 – 89: 19% Risk
Age 90 – 99: 20% Risk

Reference: Blood type cancer rates taken from “The answer is in your blood type”. S. Weissberg M.D. 1999 page 78

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Cancer Risk Reduction with EDTA

EDTA is a universally proven chelator since it was discovered in the 1930’s. It is called a chelator because it pulls, claws and dissolves plaque in the arteries that is flushed out of the body through the kidneys.

In a report by Doctors Blumer and Cranton, there is up to a ninety percent reduction in cancer mortality after 15 chelation treatments with EDTA.

Type A Blood:
Age 00 – 39: 08% Risk reduced to 1%
Age 40 – 49: 18% Risk reduced to 2%
Age 50 – 59: 29% Risk reduced to 4%
Age 60 – 69: 43% Risk reduced to 5%
Age 70 – 79: 52% Risk reduced to 7%
Age 80 – 89: 53% Risk reduced to 8%
Type AB Blood:
Age 00 – 39: 00% Risk reduced to 0%
Age 40 – 49: 16% Risk reduced to 2%
Age 50 – 59: 21% Risk reduced to 4%
Age 60 – 69: 40% Risk reduced to 5%
Age 70 – 79: 48% Risk reduced to 6%
Type B Blood:
Age 00 – 39: 04% Risk reduced to 1%
Age 40 – 49: 06% Risk reduced to 1%
Age 50 – 59: 08% Risk reduced to 2%
Age 60 – 69: 14% Risk reduced to 2%
Age 70 – 79: 22% Risk reduced to 3%
Age 80 – 89: 26% Risk reduced to 3%
Age 90 – 99: 28% Risk reduced to 4%
Type O Blood:
Age 00 – 39: 00% Risk reduced to 0%
Age 40 – 49: 01% Risk reduced to 1%
Age 50 – 59: 03% Risk reduced to 1%
Age 60 – 69: 04% Risk reduced to 1%
Age 70 – 79: 09% Risk reduced to 2%
Age 80 – 89: 19% Risk reduced to 3%
Age 90 – 99: 20% Risk reduced to 3%

Reference: Ninety percent reduction in cancer mortality after chelation therapy with EDTA. W. Blumer M.D., Elmer Cranton, M.D., Journal of Advancement of Medicine, Vol 2, numbers 1 / 2 page 183.

For further information about EDTA chelation, please reference either the Chelation topic on this website, Chelation, EDTA; or refer to our clinic’s website,

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Cancer Risks

Alcohol: Breast cancer increases 30 percent with the consumption of just one drink per day. Three drinks per day significantly increase the risk of all cancers, while six drinks per day increases the risk of all cancers 60%. (*1)

Smoking: Tobacco use accounts for 23% of all female and 37.5% of all male cancer deaths. (*2). Nonsmokers who live or work with smokers experience a 30 to 50 percent elevated risk for lung cancer. (*3). Tobacco smoke contains literally thousands of chemical agents, including 60 constituents, which are known carcinogens, c0-carcinogens, or tumor promoters. (*4).

Sun Exposure: A one percent increase in solar UV-B exposure may result in a two percent increase in the incidence rate of basal cell carcinoma, a four percent increase in squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, and a one percent increase in skin melanoma. (*5). Ultraviolet is at it’s lowest when our shadow in taller than you are. Otherwise, use sunscreen.

Poor Diet: It has been estimated that 35 percent of all cancer deaths may be related to dietary factors. (*6), Fired foods, sugar, and artificial flavors and colors are associated with an increased risk of cancer. Vegetables, fruits and high fiber foods have been shown to have a cancer protective effect.

Chemicals: Chemical exposure can increase the risk of cancer. Pesticides (*7), heavy metals, dyes, organo-phosphates, and many ingredients found in cosmetics are known carcinogens. One way to minimize our chemical exposure is to buy organic food whenever possible.

Air Pollution: Air Pollution from automobile exhausts (especially diesel engines), residential and commercial space heating, and oil and coal fired plants is estimated to be the cause of from 1 – 5 percent of all cancer deaths. (*6).

Infections: Retroviruses, herpes viruses, papilloma viruses, hepadnaviruses (hepatitis B), and flavaviruses (hepatitis C) can all cause cancers in the human body. (*8). Epstein-barr and Cytomegalo viruses have also been implicated.

Family History: Family clusters have been reported for virtually every form of cancer. In general, close relatives of a cancer patient have two times the usual risk for developing the same type of cancer. (*9). On the other hand, good health and longevity run in families as well.

1. Bofetta P and Garfinkel L.; Alcohol drinking and mortality among men enrolled in an American Cancer Society prospective study. Epidemiology 1:342-348, 1990.
2. Shopland, DR, Eyre HJ and Pechacek TF: Smoking-attributable mortality 1991. Is lung cancer now the leading cause of death among smokers in the United States? Natl Cancer Inst 83(16): 1142-1148, 1991
3. Replace JL and Lowery AH: A quantitative estimate of non-smokers lung cancer risk from passive smoking. Environmental International 11:3-22, 1985.
4. U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare: Other forms of tobacco use. Chapter 13, In Smoking and Health. A Report of the Surgeon General. DHEW Pub. (PHS) 79-50066. Washington, DC, 1979.
5. Fears TR. Scotto J and Schneiderman MA: Mathematical models of age and ultraviolet effects on the incidence of skin cancer among whites in the United States. Am J Epidemiology 105:420-427, 1977
Scotto J, Fears TR and Fraumeni JF, Jr: Incidence of Non-melanoma Skin Cancer in the United States. NCI NIH Publ. No. 83-2433,1983
Green AES and Hedinger RA: Models relating ultraviolet light and non-melanoma skin cancer incidence. Photochem Photobiology 28:283-291, 1978
6. Doll r and Peto R: The causes of Cancer: Quantitative estimates of avoidance of cancer in the Unites States today. J Natl Cancer Inst 66:1191-1308, 1981
7. International Agency for Research on Cancer: IARC Monographs on the evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans. Occupational Exposures in Insecticide Application and Some Pesticides, vol. 53. Lyon, 1987.
8. Evans AS and Mueller NE: Viruses and Cancer: Causal associations. Epidemiology 1(1): 71-92, 1990
9. Li FP: Cancer families: Human models of susceptibility in neoplasia – The Richard and Hinda Rosenthal Foundation Award lecture. Cancer Res. 48:5381-5386, 1998.

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DISCLAIMER This information is provided for Educational Purposes Only and has NOT been designed to diagnose, treat or cure any health conditions. Please consult a qualified Health Care Professional with Nutritional Training to diagnose your health conditions and avoid self-diagnosis. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated statements about these health topics or any suggested product compositions.