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Thyroid: Research over the past forty years has clearly shown a direct relationship between heart attacks and thyroid deficiency, according to Dr. Broda Barnes who wrote the book “Hypothyroidism The Unsuspected Illness.” The true culprit causing the increase in heart attacks is not necessarily how much cholesterol is consumed, but how the cholesterol is assimilated in the body. Studies have shown that low thyroid levels causes a glue-like substance called mucin to accumulate causing a cascade of biochemical changes leading to a degeneration of the arteries. Other studies have shown that the removal of the thyroid gland soon leads to atherosclerosis. Researchers have discovered that mucin can even develop in children who have insufficient thyroid function. They found out that as long as thyroid hormone is administered, the tissue would be normal. But if thyroid therapy was stopped, mucin rose rapidly. If thyroid therapy was begun again, the mucin content returned to normal. Therefore, one of the many preventive measures that can be done to prevent the possibility of heart attacks is to ensure the proper amount of thyroid is in the body. Research has shown that thyroid deficiency causes hardening of the arteries. Thyroid therapy helps reverse this and also reduces the risk of heart attacks. In his book, Dr. Barnes states that 40% of Americans suffer from an inadequate supply of thyroid hormone, an ingredient vital to health in the human body. Dr. Barnes noted that hypothyroidism often goes undiagnosed because blood thyroid values are usually inaccurate. He recommends a simple test, called the “Basal Temperature Test,” which the patent can perform at home. The temperature test should be done upon awakening in the morning, but before leaving your bed. How to take the basal temperature test for determining low thyroid: 1) If you are a male or a non-menstruating female, take an oral mercury thermometer (which has been shaken down and placed at the bedside the previous evening) and place it in your armpit for 10 minutes immediately upon awakening while lying quietly in bed. Repeat the test three days in a row. Normal temperature is 97.8 to 98.2 degrees. If your temperature is low, your thyroid gland is probably under active. 2) If you are a female who menstruates, do the above test on the second and third day of your period in the same manner. 3) If you have a very young child and are unable to take his armpit temperature, you can take the rectal temperature for 2 minutes. Normal would be 1 degree higher than the above, which is 98.8 to 99.2 degrees. 4) Record the results and bring this record to your physician.

Dr. Barnes has shown that many infections (especially those of the respiratory tract such as pneumonia, tonsillitis, sore throats, middle ear infections and sinusitis) can be reduced when the body has the proper amounts of thyroid. He has also shown that cold hands and feet of the hypothyroid patient signify poor circulation to the skin, which results in a susceptibility to skin infections. There are very few people with skin diseases of any kind who would not benefit by thyroid.

Although some preschool children suffering from hypothyroidism, may have a somewhat dull and apathetic appearance and be less active than normal youngsters, a few may be very nervous, hyperactive and unusually aggressive. Emotional problems and learning disabilities are frequent and a low thyroid child may cry for no apparent reason and object vigorously to any restrictions. Temper tantrums are common and are probably related to undue fatigue. These children may sleep longer than other youngsters of their age, be a slow starter in the morning, have a short attention span, and compulsively go from one activity to another. Infections are common. Since some of these problems often have multiple causes, children frequently require treatment for allergies, environmental sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies, and parasites, as well as thyroid therapy. There are many, many symptoms of low thyroid with the most common complaint being fatigue that no amount of sleep seems to help. People who suffer from this overall feeling of chronic sluggishness tend to get depressed. They frequently lose hope resigning themselves to a life of low level functioning. Many allegedly "depressed" patients resume normal lifestyle enriched with exercise and brighter outlook within weeks after being placed on natural thyroid medication.

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