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Enzyme Choices
Enzymes Discussion

Enzyme Choices

IsoZymes: Iso means "the same". ISO Science is the science of using natural "isomolecules" that your body recognizes as "similar" or "equivalent" to your body's own and are instantly absorbed and utilized. "IsoZymes" is a very complete spectrum of several digestive enzymes, all working in synergy. Raw food has intact enzymes that assist in the digestion of that food group. Cooking destroys enzymes. Our bodies also have enzymes that assist in digesting foods, however enzyme function diminishes with age. Failure to completely digest foods leads to incomplete assimilation of nutrients. The result is the development of a number of chronic medical conditions, food allergies included. "IsoZymes" are made from premium plant sources. Plant based digestive enzymes work at any pH; meaning once it is in your stomach, it starts working right away. Animal based digestive enzymes do not begin to work until after your stomach pH drops very low; thus any person with hypochlorhydria (a lack of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juices), may never benefit from animal based digestive enzymes. Enzymes taken with meals will be used up in the stomach while they help digest that meal. Enzymes taken on an empty stomach will go into the blood stream intact. Blood conditions such as stacking of red blood cells (RBCs) like a stack of coins (RBC Rouleau), or red blood cells clumping together (RBC Aggregation), or accumulations of Uric Acid Crystals in the blood, can be greatly helped with a combination of Plant Digestive Enzymes and Antioxidants, taken on an empty stomach. (See our section on pain.) Health NOTE: Individuals with extreme cases of Gastritis, Gastric or Duodenal Ulcers should begin their Enzyme Supplementation with "IsoGastric" and gradually transition over to "IsoZymes" in approximately 4-6 weeks. This is due to the situation that Protease may temporarily have a burning sensation on individuals with these situations, thus "IsoGastric" does not contain Protease.
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IsoGastric: Iso means "the same". ISO Science is the science of using natural "isomolecules" that your body recognizes as "similar" or "equivalent" to your body's own and are instantly absorbed and utilized. This multiple enzyme nutritional supplement was formulated for those Individuals who suffer from gastrointestinal distress. Individuals with gastric or duodenal ulcers, indigestion, and those with a stressed gallbladder or liver will benefit from "IsoGastric." "IsoGastric" contains specialty herbs that are soothing to the gastrointestinal system and does not contain Protease.
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Enzymes Discussion

enzymes, digestive enzymes, food enzymes, enzymes for food, digesting enzymes, enzyme blends Enzymes assist in the digestion of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Digestive enzymes are extremely important in our diets for proper breakdown of our food so we can eventually absorb this nutrition through our intestinal walls. Without food enzymes, our life would cease. The trouble with digesting enzymes is, because they are living, they are easily destroyed with heat. All fresh foods contain enzymes within that food, but when we cook, preserve, pasteurize or process our foods, those enzymes are killed. There are no living enzymes in cooked foods. If you want the best chance of ingesting live enzymes, you will need to consume your food raw.

The practice of taking digestive enzymes with our foods is very sound. Different enzymes help to digest different types of foods. Enzymes are recommended for anyone who has trouble digesting their foods.

Everyone’s digestive systems are not created equal. Some people will have a more difficult time digesting fats while others will have a harder time digestion proteins. Specific enzymes can assist in these cases.

Multiple Enzyme Formula Information:

1. A multiple enzyme formula is considered optimum for health. It is recommended by some physicians to use a multiple formula enzyme on a daily basis with your meals. There is some thought amongst the medical community that the pancreas may have a "preprogrammed" ability to produce a certain amount of enzymes in a lifetime. This is especially important for patients that are more prone to diabetes. Regular use of a quality multiple formula enzyme supplement may possibly lesson the demands on your pancreas over your lifetime, which may therefore prolong the ability of your pancreas to continuing working strongly into old age. This has not been proven, but is considered a reasonable explanation why some older people have a harder time digesting foods.

2. Individuals with extreme cases of Gastritis, Gastric or Duodenal Ulcers should begin their Enzyme Supplementation with a formula void of Protease and gradually transition over to a formula with Protease in about 4 weeks. This is due to the situation that Protease may temporarily have a burning sensation for individuals with these situations.

3. There is evidence that a good quality multiple formula enzyme, taken on a daily basis, provides nutritional support for: Most digestive disorders; Prevention of malabsorption; Food allergies; Gallbladder stress; Sugar intolerance; Dairy intolerance; and Intestinal disorders

Supportive Information for all Enzymes:

Enzymes are responsible for every activity of life. Each and every chemical reaction that takes place within the human body requires enzymes. Our digestive processes are dependent on adequate levels and functioning of digestive enzymes. Raw food has intact enzymes that assist in digestion. Mother nature intended us to obtain these enzymes from our food sources. Most individuals, though, ingest high amounts of cooked food devoid of such enzymes. As our own body’s enzyme function likely diminishes with age, failure of proper digestion can result. This may evolve into a lack of adequate nutrition and the development of a number of chronic medical conditions. TeraForma Health supplies a complete array of high enzymatic activity premium plant based digestive enzymes to support your health.

There are two classes of enzymes recognized:

1. Metabolic enzymes - These are responsible for repair, formation and function of each cell within each and every tissue of the body. Over the course of time, these enzymes "wear out" and require replenishment by the body.

2. Digestive enzymes - These include proteases, amylases and lipases that are involved in the breakdown of ingested proteins, carbohydrates and lipids (fats) respectively. Proper breakdown of these ingested foods is necessary to allow proper absorption of the nutrients to occur.

The current use of metabolic enzymes is limited to specific medical situations such as clot dissolution through intravenous use. Digestive enzymes, though, have been used and are available in supplemental form to assist in numerous digestive disorders.

There is extensive evidence that supports the use of digestive enzymes for a wide range of Gastrointestinal illness including malabsorption, pancreatic insufficiency, celiac disease and lactose intolerance. There are at least two studies that have shown benefit in food allergies with the use of enzymes. Conventional physicians frequently recommend enzymes for all of these aforementioned situations. Heartburn and indigestion also frequently may respond to enzyme nutritional support.

Additional uses:

European literature recognizes additional uses for plant based proteolytic enzymes such as those found within Power Health’s Enzyme products. These compounds have demonstrated anti-inflammatory, fibrinolytic (blood thinning) and anti-tumor properties in a number of animal experiments. A study in the Annals of Rheumatic Diseases showed benefit in individuals with arthritis. 556 people with various forms of arthritis were studied. 283 had good to excellent improvement and 219 showed mild to moderate improvement. The specific enzyme Bromelain, found within Power Health’s "Digestive Support", has been used successfully in Europe as an anti-inflammatory in diverse conditions such as allergic rhinitis and minor trauma including sprains and strains. Power Health’s Enzyme formulas thus have a broad range of applicability from improvement in digestion and gastrointestinal disorders, to enhancement of blood flow in individuals with circulatory disorders, to lessening of allergic and arthritis symptoms.

Side Effects:

Individuals with gastric or duodenal ulcers should avoid Protease, which may cause gastric burning. After 4 weeks gradually transition over to a formula with Protease. There are no other known side effects with the recommended use of these supplements.

Drug Interactions:

There is a theoretic concern for the use of Coumadin and proteases (found within these formulas) due to the fibrinolytic properties of these enzymes. No human studies have addressed this though.


1. Oelgoetz AW, Oelgoetz PA, Wittenkind J. The treatment of food allergy and indigestion of pancreatic origin with pancreatic enzymes. Am J Dig Dis Nutr 1935;2:422–26.
2. McCann M. Pancreatic enzyme supplement for treatment of multiple food allergies. Ann Allerg 1993;71:269 [abstr #17].
3. Avakian S. Further studies on the absorption of chymotrypsin. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1964;5:712–15.
4. Izaka K, Yamada M, Kawano T, Suyama T. Gastrointestinal absorption and anti-inflammatory effect of bromelain. Jpn J Pharmacol 1972;22:519–34.
5. Deitrick RE. Oral proteolytic enzymes in the treatment of athletic injuries: A double-blind study. Pennsylvania Med J Oct 1965: 35–37.
6. Seligman B. Bromelain: an anti-inflammatory agent. Angiology 1962;13:508–10.
7. Cichoke AJ. The effect of systemic enzyme therapy on cancer cells and the immune system. Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients Nov 1995: 30–32 [review].
8. Wolf M, Ransberger K. Enzyme Therapy. New York: Vantage Press 1972: 135–220 [review].
9. Gullo L. Indication for pancreatic enzyme treatment in non-pancreatic digestive diseases. Digestion 1993;54(suppl 2):43–47.

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DISCLAIMER This information is provided for Educational Purposes Only and has NOT been designed to diagnose, treat or cure any health conditions. Please consult a qualified Health Care Professional with Nutritional Training to diagnose your health conditions and avoid self-diagnosis. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated statements about these health topics or any suggested product compositions.