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Tara Lipinski started skating at age 6, but she first started roller skating at 3. At first when she was trying figure skating for the first time, she fell all over the place. But a soon, she was spinning & jumping. She was a natural.
In 1994, Tara competed in the Olympic Festival & skated to Cirque De Solei & Samson & Delilah & she won! Her journey to Olympic gold had officially started.
In 1995, Tara took 4th at the World Championships, but the next year Tara didn't do so well. She watched Midori Ito skate. Midori didn't do good, & Tara thought, "I can beat her!"
Her concentration was only on winning, & Tara took 23rd after the short program, but she came back in the long to take 15th overall. In 1997, Tara won the World Championships over Michelle Kwan, who took 2nd. 1998 came & Tara made the Olympics in Nagano, Japan! Tara took 2nd after the short, but 1st after the long to win! She was now the 1998 Olympic Gold Medalist. Shortly after the Olympics, Tara turned pro for her family & joined Stars On Ice (SOI). Her 3rd year with SOI, Tara needed hip surgery on her torn labrum, but she is recovering faster than was thought.