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Time Line

(c) the Lipinskis
Tara was born on June 10th, 1982 in Philadelphia. She enjoyed playing with Teddy bears from her mom's collection. Her mom named Tara after after the plantation in Gone with the Wind, Pat Lipinski's favorite movie.
Tara wins the 1994 Olympic Festival at 12! She skated to Samson & Delilah and Cirque de Solei. Tara shocked everyone with her great skating and winning the competition at only 12 years old, the youngest skater male or female to do that.
Tara had a bad program in her first worlds and places 23rd after the short program. She decided she would show the world she was ready to compete there and put on a terrific long program to finish 15th in the 1996 Worlds!
Tara wins the 1997 Nationals in Nashville and goes on to Switzerland she skated two strong programs to win the World Championships at 14 and the youngest figure skating champion ever!
Because Tara won the World Championships, she got to go to the 1998 Olympic Games in Nagano, Japan. Tara skated two terrific programs to the music from Anastasia and Rainbow/Scenes of Summer. As Tara's marks game up, she screamed with joy. Tara had one the Olympics at 15, the youngest ever!
Now a professional, Tara has joined Stars On Ice (SOI), a famous traveling ice show with skaters such as Scott Hamilton, Kristi Yamaguchi, Katia Gordeeva and other terrific skaters. This year SOI was sponsored by Target.