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The Little Steve Stone Page

"At the end of the day, boys, you don't tell me how rough the water is, you bring in the ship." – Steve Stone

(Foreward 7/8/06) Although Steve has since become a colorman ,and the best we may add, for ESPN, and can assumingly handpick games at his leisure, many cans have been opened, many #13's have been ordered, and many years have gone by since The Little Steve Stone page was conceived.....yet we still hold a place in the Gaetti Family's hearts for Steve. He is the greatest colorman in professional men's baseball......and I think he knows it.

Jimi Hendrix' "Stone Free" dedication:

Everyday in the week I'm in a different city

If I stay too long people try to pull me down

They talk about me like a dog, talkin' about the clothes I wear

But they don't realize they're the ones who's square

Stone free to ride on the breeze

Stone free do what I please

Stone free I can’t stay

I got to I got to get away

The most knowledgeable man in baseball has decided to step down as color man for the Cubs....due to internal reasons with the club probably stemming from the BS that started around Stoney's comments about the team not hitting well down the 04 campaign. I can only hope that the Cubs front office/Chicago Tribune didn't force Steve out of his usual spot at Wrigley (high above home plate). The Cult likes Dusty Baker but if Baker's comments against Stone had anything to do with Steve stepping down....then we will probably speak ill of him (Baker) at Jeannies and curse him during televised games.

The Cult's take on this is: well, Stoney has made it known that he enjoys golfing and drinking Coronas at his home in Arizona which means that if the Cub brass is forcing him to apologize etc....Stoney will say "to hell with them" and pack up all of his golf sweaters and head for AZ. Stone is usually 99.7% right about things and the Cult believes that he his probably right with his decision to leave the squad. The Cubs organization has made bad decisions for 100+ years, so forcing out Stone Dogg doesn't surprise members of The Gaetti Cult.

Stone vs. Baker Turmoil

Stoney giving Dusty the tough questions other men wouldn't ask

The fans have spoken

Dusty has since been exiled to coach the Reds

Lou likes a guy who'll start a fire under his ass if his team is underperforming

"Pitching is really just an internal struggle between pitcher and his stuff. If my curve ball is breaking and I'm throwing it where I want, the batter is irrelevant." - Steve Stone

Wrongfully let go by the Cubs, twice!

Steve tried his hand at modeling but found that he was better suited for life in the broadcast booth

(the Budweiser years)

(the Wild Turkey years)

Steve explaining to the commissioner the many disadvantages of wearing light blue striped shirts with dark pants

Harry, were you going to golf a quick 9 after the game with those pants??

Steve felt nothing but love towards Harry in the booth.....but

Those Budweiser afternoon games began to cramp Stevie's style a bit.

Steve Stone's Resignation Letter

Jewish Sports Hall of Fame-Steve Stone. Mazel tov Stevie!

Steve Stone interview with

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