Ann S
I was the only child of Lord Sotheran. A rich and noble man, his fortune became mine on my 18th birthday. But the noble life was not for me and I decided to become a Knight. For many years I travelled the lands, slaying Orcs, monsters and seeking excitement, fame and adventure. One day as I made camp in a forest I was woken by a sound. I jumped up and saw a tall handsome fellow strolling toward me. He explained that he was a traveller and asked if he could rest beside my fire. He gave his name as Jeremy Conalis. He told me exciting stories of his life and after some time he told me how he had become a Vampire. I listened intently to his tale. The excitement rising in me. I could not believe it; I was talking to a Vampire! After many hours of talking, a strange feeling came over me. As I stared into his eyes they seemed to glow red! I was afraid and yet calm at the same time. He walked toward me and bit deeply into my neck. I was powerless to resist him, as my blood flowed from my body I grew weaker. My life drained away, Jeremy took out a knife and quickly cut his finger. He offered it to my lips. As his blood dropped onto my tongue I felt his power flowing inside me. I fed greedily, the ecstasy rising as I fed upon his vampire blood. He pulled his hand away and I slumped to the floor! As dawn was fast approaching he took me to a cave where I rested throughout the following day. As night fell once more, he took me hunting, teaching me how to survive, warning me of the dangers I would find. For many weeks he was my protector. I followed him, learning from him. Until one day, for some reason, I do not know why, he decided to kill himself. He waited one morning for the rising sun to end his vampire life. I was too late to stop him. Words cannot explain the deep sorrow I felt as I gazed upon his ashes, but I have vowed to find a way to bring him back. Now I live a double life. By day I wander as a Knight. Protected by my amulet from the suns rays. By night I prowl the shadows, hunting for my next meal.
