A young adventurer rised and decided to seek fame and ANSWERS in the world of Erathia. After some time of glorious fights he got the name Luke the Wandering Warrior. Later an old Cleric joined his party. Luke became very close to him and he consider him like a father. From him he learned his firsts spells. One time on a Dragon Hunting campain the party was one step from the death. There was no hope for them till the old Cleric casted Divine Intervention. That saved the life of many warriors but at the end Luke saw his old father die from the aging price he payed to the gods for the spell. On this moment of madness he cursed the gods. The curse reflected back on him and he became Luke the Heretic. He continued the quests alone meditating at the nature of Light and Dark. The answer he found was the weak nature of the Light and the fact that only faith keep the Light Guild alive, the faith in gods created by themselves. Now he found the the Guild of Dark and decided to Join and gain the fame of a Necromancer.

