I was born in Nighon in Erathia, where my parents were both warlocks. They were killed in an Invasion by the Dwarves when I was very young and I was left o die but I found my way back to Nighon and I stayed for a few years studying magic.In paricular Dark Magic and Elemental Magic although I learnt the basics of Self Magic. Several years ago, I heard that the Master of castle Alamos had died. I decided to enter he competition to find the new Master. The Warlocks who enter the competition are put in an arena and the last one living is the new Master. When we were put in, I cast Inviibility on myself and waited in a corner for the others to die. When there was only one left, I cast the Grip of Hell (a spell I created which sucks a creture into the center of the Earth) on him and I was proclaimed the winner. Since thhen I have had my Warlocks researching new spells and creating new artifacts to help the Darkness destroy the Light!

