Once a Warrior of flesh and blood, now a servant for the Undead. I didn't understand it. I can remember my fellow Paladins leaving me to the Undead. Yes that's right, I have been a Warrior of Light, a Paladin, but that changed faster than I thought. The Undead King could sense that there was evil deep inside, so he reached out his rotten skeleton hand and helped me up. I got on my feet and looked around. Escaping…no chance. I was taken to Shadowspire, the home of the Undead armies. The King took me down to the Skeleton Transformer and gathered his council, a rather large amount of Liches. I walked to the transformer. The King started a prayer. As a Paladin I knew that wasn't a prayer of light. They were preparing some kind of ritual. Sparks fell down on me, ripping my skin of. I dropped on the floor, weak and tired. A mirror spell was created and I saw myself as a Undead Fighter. I knew pretty good what I looked at cause I had fought these guys before as a Paladin. I liked it this way. This is who I am…

