An young (180 years) but strong and powerful dark warrior. I use my special knowledge and spells against the creatures of light. From the very beginning, at 14 years I killed the first Wisp. That was the start of the dark-life. After that, the bloodlust in me, made me kill others like a vampire which needs blood! I was never defeated, I never fled from the battle-field! At 87 years I started my career as a killer. I even had an order from the Great Master of Dark Magic. I was in Nighon and Regna Island. Every place Where I’ve been, after I left it there were just dead bodies and skeletons! After I killed to much people, I joined The Dark Guild. It is like an paradise. Here I have anything I need starting From reagents and bottles for my alchemy and some missions, to special Missions in Murmurwoods and even Temple of Sun. I hope my career will go up here! Time will show…

