I was born in a demolished city of fire and flame between the realms, from there I have grown up strong and become a good fighter, but besides fighting Ihave always had an interest in magic which has always attracted me, my first magic way was the light (since I did not know for the dark), and from then I studied the elemental planes and less self magic, then one day a man stopped me in order to pay him for a passage, I declined, killed lots of his zombies (servants) of dark and I wondered ("what the hell is this"). From there I returned to the light temple (I was not with them) and asked them was that any of their's creations ('cause I was fascinated) and do they know anything about it, they lied to me, and so I came back too see for myself I saw lots of goblins and when I came close they ran away, but I told them not to be afraid and they pointed me to some of the necromancers and there I chose the path of darkness and the power it brings with the ethernal life and destruction.

