My entire human life I was a blacksmith. I was famous for my dark steel swords. Noone was better than me. When I died I got to know that my mother - the whore from Erathian court has sold my soul to the Devil. The Archdevil had a big plans about me so I was reborn as The Archdevils son. My new father taught me battle skills and also magic. I travelled the Hell throughout improving my skills till I reached perfection. One night my "father" said to me that I am ready to lead his army in the fight for domination in the whole Hell. Unfortunately his plan filed and he was killed by the Grand Archdevil. I was banished from hell and was warned not to return before six Milleniums passes. All this time I was searching for purpose of my great power and now when the few years are left at last I have found the battle where the all of my power is needed to fight for what I believe.

