the Psycho
Many years ago I was born in Deyja and I lived in the pit. As a young man I started traning and I was soon a necromancer and since I loved to fight I had a part in every battle against those in Bracada and all others who followed the light. It was my thirst for battle and the crazy things I did in battle that gave me my name. The name was given to me as I was promoted to a lich. A few years after I became a lich I became a GM in dark magic and my traning days where over. I started wandering the world and after many years of doing that I ended up following Archibald in Enroth but after he was turned to stone I went back to the pit to live there. A few years later Archibald came to the pit and took over there. In a struggle with his advisers Archibald left the pit. I also left the pit but not with Archibald. Instead I left for Jadame and in Shadowspire I found a man who had started a dark guild. I was among the first to join and right now I and the other members of the dark guild are recruiting members to our guild.

