song of faith


A creation took it’s way out your bellybreath A music box with a revolving head all ploinky and harmless. Aiming to destroy her maker, her sweetest candy secret. While being pressed deeper into the straw she was feeing her with she was living on, needing nobody. The cunt didn’t even have an idea of her intentions until her secret smile gave her in-

and now Her shaky voice gives her in whenever she comes into the room, barely pressing the walls. She might as well be counting her days It is standing there staring at her at bellylevel


perpetual rock song Wonder how I lift my head whatever you have to offer I dont want it Tiresome bended girl Has to copy her own words from a bilboard. She never looks at me.

Boys walking together Their big arms Dirty tight pants and sleeves. Have I even moved?

And I look out my window With a mighty fall looking up in rooftop eyes The girls get all tired My alergic shriek falls blind mighty rubber shoes I dont need your sympathy.

All the boys and girls around me.


song of eternal faith Listenning to a voice out of dimention throwing a fit of freedom Little rockn’roll boy. Lead singer.

You think it’s all a plan you stick to dotted lines everlasting dip.

You know the right turn in a space the limits to undergo just fly away.

Threw your head into a cannon To shoot you through the wall an out of town. Grew beard, darker eyelids

Shadowed life jacket- Dont make them darker than life

and when you come back you’ll always be welcome. Just wear your hat thats all you’ll need Theres nothing at the edge It all ends in diamond haze Just close your eyes Thats all you’ll fear.


I’ve died. 3.3.2000 and went to a place that is not higher nor lower. I’ve died and went HERE. I got sucked in a turbulence with every bastard that i’ve known in a madenning swirl The shriek burst my ears.

I’ve come. all this way and not for one single clue nothing here. nothing more to explore. my breath tired and wasted on stupid people like you, with your monster nerve your heads will blow off your bodies.

Into the light deep into the light there’s a fat man blocking the rays with a fat greasegrin that keeps widenning and I see a familiarfacebetwen the teeth and it’s out to get control.

You won. my every sense of resistance is dust now his tiny eyes. with every sense you’ve dusted an ear shattering shriek I give up. you detached yourself but forgot to check behind Where now im being dragged raising dust.

I’ve died. seventy times in a satelite rerun marathon and now. you wipe off your sweat with a shovel in your hand. I wish I knew who you are pray your lucky star, I can’t channel. <<>>

Fuck you all people on the street the stars the earth the moon who the fuck are you * you all
<<>> You burned it down to dust


-die - 3.3.2000 My best friend died yesterday I couldn’t even burry him with all the fuss You never really noticed him you sick bitch.

I can’t believe there are people like you standing on top stampeding on my courage all you ever wanted to be fed by my mouth.

live a million years’ shame crack your heart get all red charred feel the slap your fuck face crack your heart try to cry dissapoint you ugly whore crack your heart hope to die

My best friend sentiment died yesterday after touching a light bulb first the skin got hot then it was a dry charred shell then it let go inside


after the sunset the people will all go home each and every one how they all melt disappear

for a moment they all forgot where they are from and where they belong but the time-up reminded them and now they all say goodbye

and in a minute the forgetting will begin how did it all go? what did we do? what was her name?

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ìøâò äí ëåìí ùëçå îàéôä äí åäéëï äí ùééëéí. àê äæîï äúí äæëéø ìäí åòëùéå äí ëåìí àåîøéí ùìåí

åòåã øâò äùëçä úúçéì. àéê äëì äìê? îä òùéðå? àéê ÷øàå ìä? 3.3.2000


(Anyone who thinks of himself I do not like Anyone who hangs himself on a hook I do not like what i’m basically doing is just hanging around

ever had a really old friend? someone who would listen carefully, and always say wise, actual things? -well the older you get the younger friends you have and your legs become independent your hands go flying high.

And anyone who thinks himself sociable I do not like Anyone who thinks having friends and screwing well is a sign of well being I do not like An advice you give comes back to you ten fold

If I had an elderly friend, Will I go out with him at nights? His words would guide my living and if I snap out at him -what will be the meaning of his words? would he walk away? a road full of tention lines will always stay busy

Anyone who thinks himself a fast rider I do not like Anyone who’s neck hurts from looking down I do not like Anyone who bets me she’ll get in my bed by the end of the day I do not like far, far away, you walk alone to the same beat And anyone who thinks himself old I do not like.)


Before his death everyone gathered around there wasn’t very much talking round and about.

All the bitches he had he probably fucked them all every day. And all the people were whispering

Mighty Big Letters For A Little Man everything was so much simpler before his death


It’s me
It’s me all over again kill me. what I mean what I do the farhtest from shore an undertow. I try I try My god I give it all what I want what is you will never have again forgotten we talk we play but what we really do we run away we pick up phones


seventy six a song of six strings strong as for ever the voice never cracking a love song.

every time I see you I try to tell you. my walls are made of mirrors and one of them shattered to a mirrorball,

I am proud of the way I love you my protest sign. you are my all.

My voice is strong in song we sing to make you hear it all.


Cell Phone, opened it and walked past me and beyond the other people there. I never understood the use of such a foolish hi tech- electronic device but today it is very hard to ask questions about it, what with close to ninety percent of the **** population using it so eagerly. Most of them are shouting into it, with mad passion, as if to announce their presence. Or It’s. It seems that the conversations through that magical device have more excitement in them. People like to ignore eachother instead of meeting in person. It’s so much easyer to talk, be on the same electronical level, float at light speed betwen satelites, with the whole world instead of just one person.

It was her mother. She wanted to know where she was and what she was doing in that very instant. She is calmer now. The girl now is invisible.



La la la That`s what I heared you say It came to my mind and It was the only thing It was so charming and so soothing I almost forgot

So this is you What do you know I can look but I can`t touch I`d love to though Love`s the word again

It becomes too clear now after you`ve left Now that`s all that`s left This chime

I know you warned me But I couldn`t stop It was too easy to stop I know you`re invisible now But you can still come back and Save me


Is everybody looking at us now? A double chested swirling snake A double tailed encounter Striking you odd? Well I dont like these deffinitions And I don’t agree to their terms Like double head made tunlles gate This is odd to you?

If grass is gray then clowds are purple And this airbaloon is retaining water Like your promises are Like a colder morning When early future dawns



Inside your heat I saw Your everyday manners Inside the water tower There is building movement The fresh aspiring stonewall site Has grown it’s horns again Showing, pushing through delight

Inside the room I saw A morning-dirty clown Inside the tower there is Such a hasty frown The fresh aspiring stonewall site Has grown the cows again Showing pushing through the ground It left the scene again

When I look outside the room There are magic wire strings Outside my tower hill A clock ring teller sings.


Out of yawn, early morning The girl is sitting in the room Waiting, not waiting For no one there alone The girl is watching, big eyes full Where no one’s out the window

And the girl would wait around She would look and float around The room that she knows so well Untill the lights go out Then she would get up and walk out of the room

Every day, the morning comes It’s self conclusion brings dawn Dawn biting, biting Now she’s waiting, not waiting And all she wanted was to sleep To look out the window, perhaps to scream

And the girl would wait around She would look and float around The room that she knows so well Untill the lights go out Then she would get up and walk out of the room

She knows what she wants, and You’d better want yourself to provide Make her laugh By mentioning love Every second every morning The flanels and her wide jeans

Big eyed girls with long dark hair Grown enough not to care And she’ll go out the room again Don’t you know she’s big enough And she’s out of here

She is a big girl She’s a monster Tell her nighty night and let her sleep She’s out of herefor Christina Ricci


Hey there little one, Wont you tell me your secret I know he don’t want you To tell But it’s okay Just tell Just spill and let it rattle Your sack of marbles into the sky Birds, Birds they view us, down They view us from there and shit Down birds, on us So it`s okay Untill we’ve got the roofs Unless there are roofs You can tell away What is your trouble Hey there little one Let us roll like marbles Let us tumble and swirl And view it like a little hazed Who is there inside?
