We meet and go outside when your mom is behind us and when we are back she’s there when we’re in YOUR room She is in the back counting tearing out papers from her note pad

I know she’s thinking it’s all natural but I don’t give a damn like you. no damn no doubt. All natural like you

and after a while she’ll go pack and dress and fix some breakfast and the same mom will soon hear us louder screaming and laughing she will smile. enough chocolate and letters enough of that now it’s just for us all of it.

we are always talking and happy and sociable and with my friends now they can be yours too your mom loves me and yeah youre a great girl I know im so lucky i can take care her cookies are excellent and what a lovely dress i know she picked it up herself so ready so fixed am i trapped again its her choice i know but how can you tell with me am i to be taken to the cave and what is that stink ?

and it’s all so natural! and I really don’t give a damn at all like you
