
Anna went to study art in New York
before the hands got to her
without reach
without pain
as we detach ourselves
as birds we wet our paths
as students we point at obsceneties
Anna was with the birds

Anna got to view a top floor
in a darker grayer eighties alley
painted on the face
and on the walls
big eyed
japanese warrior figure
Anna is there now

Anna found a way out
when they never had a chance
we fought love and won
we fought home the streets we walk on
we will not see her
<< we will not see >>
but look outside the window
at the buildings
at the lights
at something far
where Anna is

Anna got away
turned to see a fall
turned her head away.
when days went by
the space became tighter and
I was almost counting.
when their wakewatch was ticking
in a biological mechanism
closer and closer to the bell.
But green didn't fade
and Red petals didn't dry here
and poison remained privately owned secret poison
because Anna got away

Anna went to study art in New York
before dirtygreen hands got to her
and what she knows
is what she cares from now
secretly thrown away
from choice
a quarter of a globe away
where she waves,
I didn't even have a chance to say goodbye
I didn't have to.
Anna has gotten away
to where lights don't go down.
maybe just round the Horizon
maybe I'll see her again
maybe it is all worth the wait
maybe she is happy
Anna is in New York now
I can almost see her there

-4.11.2000, 2:30 AM GMT+2, Israel.