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Two days prior to Passover

Scribes, priests, and elders plot to kill Christ

Matt 26: 1-5

Mark 14: 1-2

Luke 22: 1-6

Proof that Christ is the Messiah will be 3 days and 3 nights in the grave

Matt 12:38-40

John 2: 18-22

Tuesday evening after sunset, prior to dark, beginning of the 14th of Abib -- Passover

Christ and disciples eat the Passover, new Passover observance implemented

Matt 26: 20-30

Mark 14: 17-26

Luke 22: 14-30

John 13-16

Unleavened bread, wine, and the washing of each other's feet

Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning, 14th of Abib

Judas betrays Christ, and Peter denies him

Matt 26: 31-75

Mark 14: 27-52

Luke 22: 31-62

John 17-18:27

Wednesday, 14th of Abib

Trial, death, and burial

Matt 27:1-66

Mark 14:53- 15:47

Luke 22:63- 23:56

John 18:28- 19:42

Christ is our Passover lamb (1Cor 5:6-8 )

Thursday, 15th of Abib, First Day of Unleavened Bread starting at sunset "The Night to Be Much Remembered"

Day one that Christ was in the grave

A guard was posted to verify that he was in the grave 3 days

Matt 27:63-66

Friday, 16th of Abib

Day Two

Sabbath, 17th of Abib

Day Three

Just prior to sunset 3 days and 3 nights fulfilled, Christ resurrected

Sunday, 18th of Abib Wave Sheaf Offering

Christ has already risen

Matt 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20

Christ received by God into heaven

Mark 16:19

Luke 24:51

John 20:17

Christ is the first of the firstfruits (the Wave Sheaf)

I Cor 15:20-23, Lev 23:10-16

Tuesday, 13th of Abib

Preparation to eat Passover that evening

Matt 26: 17-19

Mark 14: 12-16

Luke 22: 7-13

Timeline of Christ's Death