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Immune System Support Medical Advice Immune System Discussion Disclaimer
Medical Advice
Functional Health Analysis Profile: This is a Free, On-Line test. There may be other parts of your nutrition that will have to be addressed in order to properly digest and assimilate your nutritional supplementations; therefore it is a good idea to take this test. The Functional Health Analysis Profile (FHAP) is an on-line questionnaire whose purpose is to assess your degree of wellness. This is very different than health questionnaires found in your doctor's office. Your doctor attempts to determine if you have an illness or disease. The FHAP is NOT intended to assist in disease diagnosis. Instead, it focuses on how well each of the important systems of your body is functioning. Prior to reaching a state, which is called “illness”, our bodies slowly begin to move away from maximum health. By asking questions, which assess the functioning of important body systems, the individual’s state of wellness can be determined. An evaluation will be done to determine if you are moving away from ideal health. You are provided with a graphical analysis of areas of concern based on your responses. Then appropriate nutritional recommendations will be suggested to assist your body to return to optimum functioning and optimum health. This is true Preventive Health.
Ester-C with Bioflavanoids: Large amounts of Vitamin C should be taken a the first sign of any viral disease. Consume to bowel tolerance. Take as much as possible in divided doses throughout the day. Never take all at once. Take as much in each dose as possible, just before your stools start to become too loose. Then back off just a bit. The sicker you are, the more your body will need, and your bowel tolerance will increase, allowing increased amounts of vitamin C to be consumed. This particular formulation has vitamin C metabolites, primarily threonate, which act as "cellular door openers," which makes this vitamin C more bioavailable. Vit C supports the immune system, fights viruses and some bacteria, functions as an important antioxidant and enhances adrenal gland function. Ester-C polyascorbate is a breakthrough in Vitamin C technology. This esterified form of Vitamin C has been shown to increase white blood cell ascorbate levels four times more than usual forms of Vitamin C. Ester-C also provides bioflavanoids to enhance Vitamin C bioavailability while assisting in maintaining capillary and vein health. Additional Vitamin C is needed during times of stress.
Echinacea: Echinacea can "kick-start" exhausted immune systems that are sluggish and under-reactive for fighting infections. Echinacea has shown to enhance the immune system by supporting and activating thymus gland activity for action against virus infections. It has shown to sweep dead cells and other debris through the channels of the lymphatic system, and dispatches white blood cells to fight infection. It maximizes the power of the lymph nodes to filter broken-down material within the body. The production of lymphocytes and macrophages is escalated when Echinacea is added to the system. Echinacea is best used only when needed for assistance in fighting cold viruses, flu viruses, and other infections where immune system support is needed. If used on a regular basis the body will become too used to echinacea and therefore some of Echinacea’s effectiveness will be lost during the times when it is needed the most. Both Native Americans as well as early conventional practitioners have used this herb in the 19th century for disorders ranging from venomous bites and syphilis to the common cold. In fact, the American Indians used echinacea against more illnesses than any other plant. Today, Echinacea enjoys wide use, as an immune stimulant maximizing the power of the individuals’ own immune system immune system.
Golden Seal Root: (Hydrastis Canadensis) This herb has a long history of use as an antibiotic and anti-microbial, and has enjoyed recent popularity as an adjunct to Echinacea for support during colds and flu. Goldenseal is a widely used and recommended antiseptic. Native Americans traditionally used goldenseal for digestive, respiratory and urinary disorders. It was also used topically by these cultures for skin and eye infections. It is most commonly used today for its anti-bacterial effects. The root is the potent, medically effective part of the plant. (The leaves are less potent.)
Pro-Biotics: The use of Pro-Biotic’s will strengthen the health of your digestive tract. Old Naturopathic Doctors and Chinese Medicine Specialists repeatedly state that the gut is the center of the body’s energy. A healthy gut will make or break a healthy immune system response. We must create a healthy environment within the Gastrointestinal Tract. Antibiotics destroy the friendly gut bacteria, allowing the naturally present candida bacteria to overpopulate, and then mutate into a mold, which penetrates the intestinal wall to infect the rest of the body. This process has the end result of a "Polysystemic Candidiasis Infection." (Poly meaning in many systems of the body.) Replacing friendly bacteria on a regular basis, but especially during and after any antibiotic use, is very important for the prevention of a candida overgrowth. "Pro-Biotic’s" replaces the delicate strands of the various acidophilus types of intestinal bacterium. This is essential during Candida die off so other Candida does not "refill" back into the empty spaces in the intestines. Pro-Biotic’s has a powerful 7.8 Billion Units of Activity, assists in combating digestive disorders, and vaginal yeast infections, and helps the body resist diseases caused by "unfriendly" bacteria.
IsoZymes: Old Naturopathic Doctors and Chinese Medicine Specialists repeatedly state that the gut is the center of the body’s energy. A healthy gut will make or break a healthy immune system response. Proper digestion of food is the beginning of a healthy digestive tract. Iso means "the same". ISO Science is the science of using natural "isomolecules" that your body recognizes as "similar" or "equivalent" to your body's own and are instantly absorbed and utilized. "IsoZymes" is a very complete spectrum of several digestive enzymes, all working in synergy. Raw food has intact enzymes that assist in the digestion of that food group. Cooking destroys enzymes. Our bodies also have enzymes that assist in digesting foods, however enzyme function diminishes with age. Failure to completely digest foods leads to incomplete assimilation of nutrients. The result is the development of a number of chronic medical conditions, food allergies included. "IsoZymes" are made from premium plant sources. Plant based digestive enzymes work at any pH; meaning once it is in your stomach, it starts working right away. Animal based digestive enzymes do not begin to work until after your stomach pH drops very low; thus any person with hypochlorhydria (a lack of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juices), may never benefit from animal based digestive enzymes. Enzymes taken with meals will be used up in the stomach while they help digest that meal. Enzymes taken on an empty stomach will go into the blood stream intact. Blood conditions such as stacking of red blood cells (RBCs) like a stack of coins (RBC Rouleau), or red blood cells clumping together (RBC Aggregation), or accumulations of Uric Acid Crystals in the blood, can be greatly helped with a combination of Plant Digestive Enzymes and Antioxidants, taken on an empty stomach. (See our section on
pain.) Health NOTE: Individuals with extreme cases of Gastritis, Gastric or Duodenal Ulcers should begin their Enzyme Supplementation with "IsoGastric" and gradually transition over to "IsoZymes" in approximately 4-6 weeks. This is due to the situation that Protease may temporarily have a burning sensation on individuals with these situations, thus "IsoGastric" does not contain Protease.
IsoGastric: Iso means "the same". ISO Science is the science of using natural "isomolecules" that your body recognizes as "similar" or "equivalent" to your body's own and are instantly absorbed and utilized. This multiple enzyme nutritional supplement was formulated for those Individuals who suffer from gastrointestinal distress. Individuals with gastric or duodenal ulcers, indigestion, and those with a stressed gallbladder or liver will benefit from "IsoGastric." "IsoGastric" contains specialty herbs that are soothing to the gastrointestinal system and does not contain Protease.
Sugar Stopper: If you have a tendency to react to consumed sugar, especially if you consume a lot of sugar, there is reason for concern. A high level of sugar in the blood and tissue creates a "breading ground" for bacteria growth. Increased bacterial growth weakens an immune system. Sugar Stopper is an herbal support for balancing blood sugar levels naturally. Helps balance blood sugar reactions. If you are diabetic, or hypoglycemic, or hyperglycemic, or have diabetes in your family, you suffer a much greater chance of developing arteriosclerosis than someone who does not have diabetes. The diabetic suffers first from decrease kidney function, decreased eyesight leading to blindness, and decreased feeling in their feet, which eventually leads to open sores in their feet. The common cause is more rapid atherosclerosis / arteriosclerosis. Controlling blood sugar is very important for these patients. Approximately 16 million people in the United States suffer from diabetes, and several other million from hypoglycemia. It has been shown that many of these individuals respond very effectively with the use of herbs and nutritional supplementation, which can complement conventional medical treatment and assist against some complications of these chronic but manageable diseases. The herb Gymnema Sylvester has been used in India for this purpose for over two thousand years. "Sugar Stopper" provides excellent nutritional support for diabetic individuals interested in maintaining sugar balance.
IsoBoost: IsoBoost will strengthen your overall health, thus you immune system will also be strengthened. Iso means "the same". ISO Science is the science of using natural "isomolecules" that your body recognizes as "similar" or "equivalent" to your body's own and are instantly absorbed and utilized. "IsoBoost" replaces conventional vitamin / mineral supplementations. There are no pills or capsules to swallow. This is a unique all-in-one complete, liquid supplementation with HUNDREDS of highly absorbable ISO nutrients working synergistically together in a maximum absorption formula, assuring that no nutrients get lost on the way to your cells. Full spectrums of absorbable nutrients are necessary "co-factors" in enzymatic pathways. Organic chemistry studies (a requirement for medical school students), demonstrates that all enzymatic, energy, and virtually all biological pathways in the human body, need many nutrients, or co-factors, to properly complete each pathway. Shortages of needed nutrients results in dysfunction of the organs for which those pathways could not be completed properly. IsoBoost was specifically formulated to nourish, fortify and balance your body at the “cellular level.” The normal liquid dose of one-ounce per day, has to potential of replacing many individual pills / capsules per day.
Dynamic Multi Plus: This is a top-of-the-line multiple vitamin and mineral supplementation. High quality multi-vitamin / mineral formulas are needed to add the necessary "co-factors" needed for enzymatic pathways. Organic chemistry studies (a requirement for medical school students), demonstrates that all enzymatic, energy, and virtually all biological pathways in the human body, need many nutrients, or co-factors, to properly complete each pathway. Shortages of needed nutrients results in dysfunction of the organs for which those pathways could not be completed properly.
Power Whey Protein: Proper health, leading to adequate immune system response, dictates the addition of amino acids to the body. To assure a complete array of amino acids, careful consideration must be made as to the quality of the protein consumes. This protein was designed to provide maximum protein bioavailability. It’s engineering was based on recent research data recognizing that no single source of protein supplies maximum bioavailability. "Power Whey Protein" utilizes a uniquely formulated "trimatrix" based upon the latest whey, casein peptide and albumin processing technologies available. This has resulted is a specialized protein complex which provides rapid uptake of amino acids.
Discussion A weak immune system will require immune system enhancement, or immune system support. Careful consideration must be made as to where you will be spending your hard earned money to get the results you need. Careful planning, based on sound knowledge, will allow you to choose what is best for you as an individual. The immune system is perhaps one of the most complex and fascinating systems of the human body. While the working of other bodily systems (respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, musculoskeletal, etc.) have been well known for some time, it has only been relatively recently that researchers, scientist and physicians have understood the basic structure and functions of our immune system. Immunology, the study of the immune system, is one of the most dynamic fields of study involving the human body. The immure system is composed of the lymphatic vessels and organs (thymus, spleen, tonsils, adenoids and lymph nodes), white blood cells, (lymphocytes, neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, monocytes, etc.), specialized cells residing in various tissues, (macrophages, mast cells, etc.) and specialized serum factors. The immune system’s prime function is protecting the body against infection and the development of cancer. New research has shown the value of the olive leaf in supporting the immune system. The olive leaf contains anti-microbial natural plant chemicals active against viruses, bacteria and yeast. Please cross my section on Colds and Flu for a more thorough overview of the immune system. Statistic: Five (5) minutes of strong negative emotions, such as anger, will knock down the immune system for 6 hours. Therefore, 20 minutes of strong negative emotions will suppress the immune system for one entire day. Method of measurement: "It takes 6 hours for salivary IgA to return to baseline after only five minutes of anger." (International College of Integrative Medicine, Chelation Therapy Workshop, March 2002, Tampa Florida.)
DISCLAIMER This information is provided for Educational Purposes Only and has NOT been designed to diagnose, treat or cure any health conditions. Please consult a qualified Health Care Professional with Nutritional Training to diagnose your health conditions and avoid self-diagnosis. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated statements about these health topics or any suggested product compositions.