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Cover photo: Tom McShane

Issue 2 of this incredible fanzine is a mere £1! So check out all the wonderous things it conyains and then go and find out how to buy it.
Theraputic Mad Shit page!!! Including "wot if Fran Healy was a body builder?"!
Exclusive Symposium photos!!!
Gig reviews!!! Including Muse, A and Fungus!
50 Coolest People In Rock-what a load of arse!!!
Random Single Reviews!!!
A :interviewed!!!
Worship Page!!! Featuring iDLEWiLD!
A :cartooned!!! It is too funny for words!
Symposium In A Parallel Universe Cartoon!!!
Interview with Tom McShane (that's the Symposium photographer btw)!!!
A vs Jason Nevins?!!!
Problem Page!!! Includes a letter from the Pope!
Bollocks To The Chart Chart!!!
The Mad Dancing Woman!!! As seen at many a Muse gig!
How To Be Bob (from iDLEWiLD)!!!
Muse interview!!!
Symposium interview!!!

So, what do you think? Definitly worth a pound I feel.