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That's right, they are, and looking oh so stunning. Here's the article but there's a transcript incase it's illegible.

"The brilliance of Mansun's last album 'Six' caused such an extreme excitement that their new album 'Little Kix', which will be released on Parlophone in August can truely be said to be highly anticipated. Mansun's live performances are the stuff of legend. They appear at this years V2000 festival. Latest Mansun news at"

So, it's definalty Little Kix, I think I'll with calling it 'the third album' until I know what it's about. You can just see the headlines: Little Kix Sux Dix. *Groan*. Well it's abvioulsy a considered title if that's what Parlophone have been told. Release in August, sooner than October that's for sure, but before or after V2000? I reckon after, but that's coz I still think it'll be in October. And for you guys who want to see the gorgeous-ness bigger (but I'm afraid not necessarily better) take a look beloooooooooowww:

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