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The Process of Thinking

Thinking and Patterned Behaviour The brain responds to stimulus, stimulus from the senses. Additionally, it is able to emulate the behaviour of those senses itself and in doing so, rather than register mere sensory data from the 'outside world' it can image and model (or think), statically and dynamically, on a scale almost parallel to that which arises from sense data: this, imagination, is the great evolutionary step that made human beings separate from the rest of the animal kingdom and gave them superiority.

Imaging can take place in any sense function, but more commonly and observably occurs in the senses of sight (visual) and hearing (aural): note that this is normally a very high speed transient process, and the imaging rapidly shifts between the given modes (V and A).

Verbalisation in thinking - internal dialogue or the bvoice in the head - is one form of aural imaging which occurs in the form of a coherent group of word symbols we call language: the experience of this kind of 'thought' is of hearing the sound of words. This common kind of aural imaging has been called Aid (Aural, internal, digital) such as to differentiate it. Other aural forms (which may be remembered or internally generated as fantasy)include music, random 'noise', rhythm, natural sounds, the sounds of other's voices (so common in schizophrenia), etc, etc.

Likewise, visual images (Vi) can be of anything - remembered (real) or generated (fantasy), (eg, imagine a green rhinocerous riding a motorcycle)and may (unusally though) constrict themselves to symbol or language forms in a form of Vid.

During 'normal' operation, Vi, Ai and Aid rapidly interact with external stimulus: when such stimulus is absent, they interact with themselves as internally focussed thinking. All this can be observed by anyone who cartes to devote a little time and diligent attention to the processes.

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