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Linda's Birds Continued

female pearl
female pearl
Here's a double shot of Chipper, a gray pearl female who was
born to a hospice patient's bird, which in turn
was given to the social worker of same patient.
I bought the baby from the social worker,
who now works at our Hospice office with me -
keeping it all in the family!!!

White face male
Now here's a special baby of mine, a gray white-faced male. I got him at the pet store last year. He had been returned by 3 different people, all complaining that he was so mean and they couldn't handle him. I asked a worker if I could hold him, but the worker told me no, he was too mean, but he was willing to sell it to me. I asked how I'm supposed to know if I can handle him if I can't hold him. Well, he didn't have an answer, so I asked the manager if I could hold the bird. He was happy to let me hold the bird and we bonded instantly. (The other clerk stood there with a stupid look on his face like he couldn't believe I wouldn't get bit when everyone else did!). Anyway, I bargained on a price and took my new sweetie home. His name is Jasper.

To the left is KC, a female pied, DJ's sister and Jasper's mate.  I also got KC from the girl who gave me DJ for babysitting her birds. KC came to my house a year after DJ arrived. She is quite flighty, doesn't like to be held too much, but dearly loves to have her head scratched from the top of the cage. Everytime I walk past the cage, she hangs her head over for her much needed head scratch! 
Female pied and white face male

Female lutino and male pied

Above is Snowy and DJ (he seems a little camera shy this time). They are best friends and would be lost without each other.

Hi I'm the bird brain in the middle

I'm being bombarded by the kids - Chiko is on my left shoulder and expects to be with me at ALL times, for photo sessions, eating, sleeping, or just playing on the computer. She is also  extremely sensitive to when I am feeling under the weather -she is always there sitting on me trying to comfort me. Shadow is on the right shoulder - it takes some coaxing to get her to sit with me, but she does enjoy the attention. Meanwhile, the others are looking on from their cagetops!               

Newest group shot

Updated photo of current crew and our little angel watching over us . . .

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