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Stop looking at me SWAN!!

This is me and my friend suanne, i call her swan, like s-w-A like ACK!-n cuz when i first met her she would say her name so fast it sounded like swan (she hates it when i call her that, hehe)

Lets go on an adventure....

This is Tom, me, and Ryan (both from Notre Dame). we went for a walk along the riverwalk, went topside to the city, and got lost in downtown San Antonio, TX for an hour or so at 130am. ryan said, we're not lost, we're just having an adventure. funny thing was, tom knew we were going the wrong way and he knew how to get home but was getting a big kick outta me and ryan so he kept his mouth shut. lol


This is me and a friend i met from the Seattle Pacific Choir, Washington. He's from the coast as you can tell by the 'narly' hand gesture behind me, hehe.

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