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Dana's Page

Here is my one and only web page. If you don't like it then I suggest you leave right now!

My name is Dana and here is a bit about me. I am 19yrs old, brown hair, brown eyes, 5'2, 108lbs (well not anymore because I just had a baby...8 months ago lol) and so not athletic. I was born in Ontario but I moved to North Dakota fall of 98. Why? Well, I will tell you why. It's because I got married on September 16th. I know, I know..some might say we are too young but you got to start somewhere right?

Well back to me now. I dont really have many friends where I live because I am very shy. Although I do have great e-friends. :) Just this past May I had started working for Avon. I never really used Avon before so I wasnt to sure on how I would sell it not knowing much about it. But I am learning and I love almost all the products. :)

Here is some more about me...I enjoy biking, swimming, computers, writing letters, and SLEEPING. I am a very shy when it comes to meeting new people and I hate getting my pictures taken. On May 11th I graduated school. It was such a thrill going up on that stage to receive my diploma and I am very glad I did it. I will be going to Park University this fall to get an Associates Degree in Management.

Well Im kinda going back in time with my life so just deal with it. I had a baby last November and so she is 8 months now. Her name is Sarah and she weighs 21 lbs and is 27 inches. She is learning how to talk and its very cute. Boy I never really knew how fast kids grew up or how expensive they were until I had my own. But each day Im with her and every cent I spend on her it is all worth it.

I suppose I am boring everyone huh? Well worry no more. I am going to close this for now. Oh, and in case you are wondering whos in the picture above its me and my family. :)

My Favorite Links
John 3:16
Chathouse - Where I Chat
NativEmail- The World's FREE Web-Based Email

My Favorite Bands
Natilie Merchant
Black Hawk
Matchbox 20

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