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nirmaldasan's bloggings
Wednesday, 6 June 2018
Ode To An Unsung Hero

On 5th June 2018, my father's first death anniversary, I received an email from my father's cousin. He has written a tribute to him in verse:

Ode To An Unsung Hero

By Noble Jose


Solomon the wise an' Muthabaranam the nice
Gave you being as a second son so precious
The guileless Nathaniel —  the frail flower rose
Blossom'd to shed far and wide its fragrance.
Doting father and mother made you naughty,
Rebellious, boisterous, haughty in the comity
Of friends and foes, family and  filial fraternity
Till eternity subtly embrac'd  you in perpetuity.

Labour law, your forte could not be your harbour;
Managerial stint in CLS too triggered your anger;
Your angelic better half too couldn't see eye to eye
And the gap led you to be driven into recluse, why?
Far, far away from the sly madding crowd shrouded
Your wit and wisdom, in a prison home for the aged.
Burnt to ashes after your eyelids in death closed;
The sea washed away your ashes —  that's the end.

Adieu, Annan!  You are an unsung hero!  To live forever
Though no more — to be with His bosom for ever more.


Posted by nd/nirmaldasan at 12:26 PM
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