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nirmaldasan's bloggings
Saturday, 29 September 2007
readability monitor
Recently I started a weblog to keep track of readable language. I have quantitatively analysed The Hindu's new supplements with my readability formula Strain Index. Read it at

Posted by nd/nirmaldasan at 12:41 PM
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Monday, 13 August 2007
what's new

I web-published a collection of poems titled 'A Quiver Of Arrows' in May 2007. There's a review at

The collection may be read at



Posted by nd/nirmaldasan at 6:05 PM
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Wednesday, 4 July 2007
in praise of failure

It is very easy to sing a paean to failure when one is a success story. I did fail an exam and was glad when I managed to pass in the second attempt. Having passed, can't I count myself a success and praise failure? Well, the news of my failure got the following reactions:

Dr. A: "Impossible!"

Dr. B.: "Amazing!"

Dr. C: "A son-of-a-fool would have corrected your answers."

Those were flattering responses and I was indeed flattered. But the marksheet clearly indicated that I was a failure. I had to do something about it. I rewrote the exam as well as I did the first time and managed to get 'just pass'.  I am happy that I passed. But I am also happy that I failed the first time. Else I wouldn't have got those flattering responses.


Posted by nd/nirmaldasan at 12:41 PM
Updated: Wednesday, 8 August 2007 1:11 PM
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Monday, 2 July 2007
news update
First, I now have an M.Phil in journalism and mass communication. My dissertation is titled 'A Quantitative Analysis Of Media Language'. Second, I am no longer Head--Media Studies, Hindustan College of Arts & Science. I have joined as Assistant Professor of Journalism the SRM School of Journalism and Mass Communication. Kattankulathur. Third, I have web-published a collection of poems titled 'A Quiver of Arrows'. Fourth, I presented a paper titled 'Green Density Measure Of A Literary Text' at an international conference in June, Bangalore. Fifth... you just wait and watch! 

Posted by nd/nirmaldasan at 1:02 PM
Updated: Monday, 2 July 2007 1:11 PM
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Wednesday, 22 November 2006
return to blogging
It is a year since I blogged. I hope I will be able to blog more from now on.

The year 2006 has been very fruitful. Last month I brought out A Pocket Book Of Rhymes. Earlier, I co-authored with Dr. I. Arul Aram a book titled Understanding News Media. In September, I presented a paper titled 'Visual Media: An Oikopoetic Perspective' at an international conference. In October I attended a three-day workshop on multimedia programming.

At present I am busy with my M. Phil dissertation, December 31 being the last date for submission. I am also busy with the delayed college magazine.

Posted by nd/nirmaldasan at 10:22 AM
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Tuesday, 3 January 2006
british council library
After a two-year gap, I have renewed my membership at the British Council library. Among the books that I am taking home are Marshall McLuhan's Understanding Media and Tim Crook's Radio Drama.

The library allows access to the Internet. The only problem is that I cannot check my mails. So I still have to visit cybercafes.

I thought I should blog and so I did. See you!

Posted by nd/nirmaldasan at 4:09 PM
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Friday, 25 November 2005
belated news
I am bad at blogging. I have been keeping you in the dark about my good deeds since April. Time to let you know what I am up to, though you may not be really interested.

I quit The Hindu in June. I now head the Department of Media Studies at the Hindustan College of Arts & Science, Padur. It is nice to be a full-time academic.

After those tedious night shifts at The Hindu, my biological clock is now ticking fine. I am able to wake with the world and enjoy the morning sun.

I have registered for M.Phil and my dissertation will be on readability.

Since I am a bad blogger, I suggest you check out my web site to know what I am up to.

nirmaldasan home page

Posted by nd/nirmaldasan at 11:17 AM
Updated: Friday, 25 November 2005 11:18 AM
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Thursday, 21 April 2005
what's new
Tinai 3, which I co-authored with Dr. Nirmal Selvamony, appeared in print last year. The online version can now be read at the nirmaldasan home page. And when you are there, check out my article 'Visual Poetics', which fetched me $ 100 at Writing World.

Posted by nd/nirmaldasan at 7:03 PM
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Monday, 14 February 2005
the roads we take
My short story titled The Roads We Take has appeared in Crimson Feet, February 2005. The story was written more than 10 years ago. It has at last seen the light of day.

Posted by nd/nirmaldasan at 4:38 PM
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Thursday, 16 December 2004
play and learn math
My review of a CD-ROM titled Play And Learn Math has appeared in the Quest supplement of The Hindu. Some of my articles have appeared in the Education Plus supplement of The Hindu.
Here are the links:
Measuring Aesthetics
Ideas And The Digital Age
I hope to get more published. Wish me good luck.

Posted by nd/nirmaldasan at 8:10 PM
Updated: Thursday, 16 December 2004 8:11 PM
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