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nirmaldasan's bloggings
Thursday, 21 March 2019
Spider's Web

Spider's Web is a collection of online poems dedicated to Prof. IAJ Jeyadoss of Loyola College.

Tribute To Prof. IAJ Jeyadoss Of Loyola College 

Vernal Equinox,

World Poetry Day --

Prof. IAJ Jeyadoss! 

Patriotic Indian,

Secular Soul --

Prof. IAJ Jeyadoss! 

Tamil Spirit,

Noble Kinsman --

Prof. IAJ Jeyadoss! 

Loyolite Sincere,

English Star --

Prof. IAJ Jeyadoss! 

Sometime Dean,

Always Teacher --

Prof. IAJ Jeyadoss! 

-- Nirmaldasan

21st March 2019

 Read on at the nirmaldasan home page:

Posted by nd/nirmaldasan at 1:35 PM
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Saturday, 10 November 2018
Moonlight Miscellany
My latest verse collection titled 'Moonlight MIscellany' web-published at the nirmaldasan home page: 

Posted by nd/nirmaldasan at 6:05 PM
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Wednesday, 6 June 2018
Ode To An Unsung Hero

On 5th June 2018, my father's first death anniversary, I received an email from my father's cousin. He has written a tribute to him in verse:

Ode To An Unsung Hero

By Noble Jose


Solomon the wise an' Muthabaranam the nice
Gave you being as a second son so precious
The guileless Nathaniel —  the frail flower rose
Blossom'd to shed far and wide its fragrance.
Doting father and mother made you naughty,
Rebellious, boisterous, haughty in the comity
Of friends and foes, family and  filial fraternity
Till eternity subtly embrac'd  you in perpetuity.

Labour law, your forte could not be your harbour;
Managerial stint in CLS too triggered your anger;
Your angelic better half too couldn't see eye to eye
And the gap led you to be driven into recluse, why?
Far, far away from the sly madding crowd shrouded
Your wit and wisdom, in a prison home for the aged.
Burnt to ashes after your eyelids in death closed;
The sea washed away your ashes —  that's the end.

Adieu, Annan!  You are an unsung hero!  To live forever
Though no more — to be with His bosom for ever more.


Posted by nd/nirmaldasan at 12:26 PM
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Friday, 9 February 2018
flights of vedanta
My sixth volume of verse tiltled 'Flights Of Vedanta' has appeared in print. I have also published an online version to reach out to a larger readership in the nirmaldasan home page: 

Posted by nd/nirmaldasan at 2:14 PM
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Monday, 30 October 2017
A Quantitative Analysis Of Media Language
My M.Phil Dissertation titled 'A Quantitative Analysis Of Media Language' has been published by Lambert Academic Publishing:

Posted by nd/nirmaldasan at 5:53 PM
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Thursday, 4 May 2017
the vision of the baptist

The Vision Of The Baptist

By Nirmaldasan



(A narrative poem in three books. Inspired by Sir Edwin Arnold’s Light of Asia, John Milton’s Paradise Lost and the KJV. Web-published at the nirmaldasan home page, May 2017)


DEDICATION: To My Mother Indira Renjitha Selvi

Posted by nd/nirmaldasan at 10:34 AM
Updated: Tuesday, 22 August 2017 4:47 PM
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Wednesday, 1 February 2017
Playful Poesy

My latest collection of verse has just been web-published at the nirmaldasan home page. Here is how it begins: 

Poetic Prose
(You have my word)

Think about this trilogy. First came Rocking Pegasus, in which my Muse was upon a rocking horse. And then came Literary Trivia & Curiosities, in which the rocking horse metamorphosed into a rocking chair. After many years, in February 2017, soars Playful Poesy with wings of wax.

Read on at: 


Posted by nd/nirmaldasan at 4:38 PM
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Saturday, 4 June 2016
Poetry Workbook

By Nirmaldasan



 I, Nirmaldasan, am a disciple of Dr. Nirmal Selvamony, from whom I still learn the principles of poetic composition. Over the years, I conducted poetry workshops in different institutions: Good Earth School, Sri Ramakrishna School, SRM University, Women’s Christian College and Bharathi Women’s College. I would love to conduct poetry workshops in other institutions too and help students tackle all the 28 exercises in this Poetry Workbook. 

Read on at the nirmaldasan home page:


Posted by nd/nirmaldasan at 1:37 PM
Updated: Saturday, 4 June 2016 1:49 PM
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Sunday, 6 March 2016
Prose Workbook

By Nirmaldasan


Prose is composed of words, phrases, clauses, sentences and paragraphs. There are four functions of prose: narrative, informative, imperative and persuasive. In any prose passage, there is meaning and rhythm. When you read aloud a passage, you should enunciate each sound and pronounce each word clearly so that the listeners can grasp the meaning and the rhythm. 

Read on at the nirmaldasan home page 

Posted by nd/nirmaldasan at 4:26 PM
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Tuesday, 25 August 2015
ode to gaia & other poems

My latest collection of poems appeared in print in July 2015. I have put up an online version at

Do read and send feedback to

Posted by nd/nirmaldasan at 2:33 PM
Updated: Tuesday, 25 August 2015 2:34 PM
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