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Beloved Muse, in thy company
Have I spent hours, little time
Perhaps; time which now cumbrous acts
And sets pebbles and brambles
On my path,-that makes it hard
To walk hand in hand with thee.

Thou mayest for me wings provide
And lead me to blessed climes
Where trees provide shades eternal
For our sojourn, with bliss filled;
And my thoughts always directed
To thee alone:- loving thee being
The only function of mine office.
Yet I would thou wouldst not aid
Me this-wise, but thine assistance
Seek to aid me soar on high
On wings of poesy when I have
Cleft Time's vile schemes wide.

When this task gets accomplished,
I would blow kisses on thine
Radiant cheeks, and instil verses
In the ether of thy mind.
And I with my thoughts dissolve
Thy wings lest thou intend to fly
Taking me perhaps to thy domain.
But I, here on earth shalt lead
Thee to some hidden brake where we
Can forever dwell in solitudinal bliss.

Now I from thee retirement seek.-
Consider this address of mine
A parting kiss. I bid farewell
With fond hopes that soon I may
Chance acquire to invoke thee.
Farewell! Thee to thy home; and I
To that hindering task return.


Here lies he who never,
Not for a moment too,
Let the Muse from his view!
But ah! that adieu
Which once he bade her,
Has now for ever
Proven true.

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