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Understanding News Media: A Brief Review
-- reviewed by Padini Nirmal, Madras Christian College, in
the November 2006 issue of the Journalism Online newsletter --

Title: Understanding News Media
Authors: I. Arul Aram and Nirmaldasan
Publisher: Vijay Nicole Imprints, Nungambakkam
Price: Rs. 180.

Being a student of communication, reading 'Understanding News Media' put the concept of media in 

a new light. Not only does the book elucidate the various forms of media in a simple, coherent 

manner, it commands interest by matching the factual content with interesting activities and 

examples. Targeted, presumably, at the student of Media Studies, the book offers a good 

understanding of the subject even to the lay person. It can be instrumental in facilitating an easier 

understanding of the ideas in 'news media', especially owing to its interactive approach. It has 

contemporary relevance in every regard and is certainly a good introduction to the subject of news 


Concepts such as 'news flow', 'blogging', 'camera movement', etc., have been treated in a clear and 

interesting, semi-formal manner, making it extremely simple to understand. As for the technical 

aspects of the book, the font, spacing, page set-up, are not only apt and appealing, but also enhance 

readability. Most of the pictures used are relevant and supplement the content. An index might have 

increased the functional value of the book, although it begins with quite an elaborate table of 


The authors have stated that they lay no claims to the "accuracy or completeness" of the book, and 

also have not cited their sources. Citation would also have increased the usage of the book, 

especially to the student populace. Also, a more detailed approach might have given the reader an 

in-depth understanding of the subject, and not a mere glance.   

The front cover is quite catchy to the wavering eye, the binding easy to handle and the paper of good 

quality. Priced at Rs. 180, the book is an excellent buy, especially for the student of media.

Finally, it is certainly a commendable venture, as the book combines bookish knowledge with the 

experience of the authors, offering not just good reading, but a personal understanding of the subject. 

It is this fact, along with the interactive approach that places 'Understanding News Media' a shelf 

apart from the hundred other books on the media that come into the market every other day.

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