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by Nirmaldasan

Part I

No more a child to mother glad
Runs the river into the main;
But dancing flows like serpent sad,
Serpent caught in a piper's strain.

The snake dances not for ever
But coils up in a basket soon,
So within a dam the river
Curls up in a serpentine swoon.

The wind sighs o'er the river tame,
Gathering clouds darken the skies;
But is a serpent ever tame? --
A snake hisses but never sighs.

If the earth quakes, then the dam breaks:
The waters foam like killer brew.
And ere the peaceful hamlet wakes,
Each drop will prove a venom true.

The skies cry out in thunder storms
And clouds fire a volley of rain.
Once more a child to mother's arms
The river runs into the main.

Part II

Citizens of a rural clime
On the banks of the Narmada --
Awake tonight with thoughts sublime --
Hold the river-goddess in awe.

All earthen lamps they brought now sail
Like fire-laden boats upon the stream;
All eyes follow the blazing trail,
Eyes rapt in visionary gleam.

In silent prayer they shut their eyes
And with them hymns the wind tonight.
Earth, water, air, fire and the skies --
In peace the elements unite.

River-goddess, we seek your peace;
Our lowly lives you must sustain.
The fire-laden boats float on with ease
And sail into the longing main.
tinai 1