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Nirmal Selvamony

tolka$ppiyar. tolka$ppiyam. (tolkappiya mulam. Eds. K.M.Venkataramaiah, S.V.Subramanian,

P.V.Nagaracan. Thiruvananthapuram: International School of Dravidian Linguistics, 1996).

1964. Bachelard, Gaston. The Poetics of Space. Trans. Maria Jolas (1964). Boston: Beacon Press, 1994.

1972. Meeker, Joseph. The Comedy of Survival: Studies in Literary Ecology. New York: Scribner's.

1978. Rueckert, William. 'Literature and Ecology: An Experiment in Ecocriticism', Iowa Review 9.1

(Winter 1978): 71-86.

1985. Waage, Frederick O., ed. Teaching Environmental Literature: Materials, Methods, Resources. New

York: Modern Languages Association.

1985. Introduction of Postgraduate Course in Tamil Poetics (a tinai-based ecoliterary course), Department

of English, Madras Christian College, Tambaram.

1985. Devall, Bill and George Sessions. Deep Ecology. Salt Lake City: G.M. Smith.

1985. Elder, John. Imagining the Earth: Poetry and the Vision of Nature. Urbana and Chicago: U of

Illinois Press.

1986. Harris, Wendell V. 'Toward an Ecological Criticism: Contextual versus Unconditioned Literary

Theory', College English 48.2 (February 1986): 116-31.

1986. Cooper, Marilyn M. 'The Ecology of Writing', College English 48.4 (April 1986): 364-75.

1989. Naess, Arne. Ecology, Community and Lifestyle: Outline of an Ecosophy. New York: Cambridge UP.

1989. Lyon, Thomas J. This Incomperable Lande: A Book of American Nature Writing. Boston: Houghton

Mifflin, 1989; rpt., New York: Penguin, 1991.

1990. Finch, Robert, and John Elder, eds. The Norton Book of Nature Writing. New York: Norton.

1990. Love, Glen A. 'Revealing Nature: Toward an Ecological Criticism', Western American Literature 25

(1990): 201-215.

1991. Bate, Jonathan. Romantic Ecology: Wordsworth and the Environmental Tradition. London and New

York: Routledge.

1991. Dobson, Andrew, ed. The Green Reader. London: Andrew Deutsch; San Francisco: Mercury House.


1991. Tallmadge, John. 'John Muir and the Poetics of Natural Conversion', North Dakota Quarterly 59. 2

(Spring 1991): 73.

1992. Love, Glen A. 'Et in Arcadia Ego', Pastoral Theory Meets Ecocriticism', Western American

Literature 27 (1992): 195-207.

1993. Glotfelty, Cheryll Burgess. 'Teaching Green', Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and

Environment, 1, no.1 (Spring 1993): 151-166.

1993. Worster, Donald. The Wealth of Nature: Environmental History and the Ecological Imagination.

New York: OUP.

1994. Levy, Walter, and Christopher Hallowell, eds. Thinking and Writing about Nature and the

Environment. New York: Harper Collins.

1994. Anderson, Lorraine, ed. Sisters of the Earth: Women's Prose and Poetry about Nature. New York:


1994. Kroeber, Karl. Ecological Literary Criticism: Romantic Imagining and the Biology

of Mind. New York: Columbia UP.

1994. Selvamony, Nirmal. 'Tamil Ecopoetics', Lectures in UGC-sponsored Refresher Course in English for

Teachers of English, Madras Christian College, Tambaram, 12 February.

1995. Selvamony, Nirmal. 'Ecological Poetry', Lecture at the Department of English, Rutgers State

University, New Jersey, USA, 18 April.

1995. Buell, Lawrence. The Environmental Imagination: Thoreau, Nature Writing and the Formation of

American Culture. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP.

1995. Postgraduate Course in Ecoliterature, Department of English, Madras Christian College, Tambaram.

1996. Glotfelty, Cheryll Burgess, and Harold Fromm, eds. The Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in

Literary Ecology. Athens, Ga.: Georgia UP.

1996. Bate, Jonathan. 'Green Romanticism', Studies in Romanticism, 35 (Fall 1996).

1996. Selvamony, Nirmal. 'Ecopoetry', paper, Seminar on Curriculum Development, organised by Centre

for Women's Studies, Madras Christian College, and Department of English, University of Madras, at

Madras Christian College, Tambaram, 11 and 12 March.

1996. Selvamony, Nirmal. 'Eco (tinai) Musicological Traditions', 47th Annual Report of Pan Research

Conference, Chennai: Tamil Icaic Cankam, 73-83.

1996. Selvamony, Nirmal. 'An Introduction to Indian Ecopoetics', paper, "National Concerns in Indian

Writing in English/Translations", UGC-sponsored Refresher Course for College Teachers of English in

Tamilnadu, University of Madras, 10 August.

1996. Selvamony, Nirmal. 'Contemporary Tamil Ecopoetry', paper, Postgraduate Seminar, Department of

Zoology, Madras Christian College, 8 October.

1996. Tobias, Michael. 'Ecological Aesthetics', The Soul of Nature. Eds. Michael Tobias and Georgianne

Cowan. Plume (Penguin), 279-286.

1996. Moore, Thomas. The Soul of Nature. Eds. Michael Tobias and Georgianne Cowan. Plume (Penguin),


1997. Morton, Timothy. 'Romanticism and Ecology', The Wordsworth Circle, 28 (Summer 1997).

1997. Selvamony, Nirmal. 'On the preparation of a textbook on Ecopoetry', presentation, Workshop on

Interface with Academia, Katha, Sanskriti, Anandgram, New Delhi, 2-3 August.

1997. Selvamony, Nirmal. 'Ecopoetics in Tamil Tradition', paper, International Seminar on Tamil Studies,

International Institute of Tamil Studies, Chennai, 6 August.

1997. 'Ecopoetry in Translation', paper, Department of English, Shrimathi Devkumar Nanalal Bhatt

Vaishnav College for Women, Chennai, 28 January.

1998. Kerridge, Richard and Neil Sammells, eds. Writing the Environment: Ecocriticism and Literature.

London and New York: Zed Books.

1998. Selvamony, Nirmal. 'Ecopoetics' (Tamil), taru 3, 2 (1998): 13-14.

1998. Murali, S. 'Environmental Aesthetics: Interpretation of Nature in Akam and Puram Poetry', Indian

Literature XLII, 3 (May-June 1998): 161

1998-1999. Selvamony, Nirmal and Lakshmanan Sabaratnam. 'Awareness Gendered', English: A Research

Journal VII (1998-1999): 11. (see Notes)

2000. Bate, Jonathan. The Song of the Earth. London: Picador.

2000. Selvamony, Nirmal. 'Oikopoetics and Tamil Poetry', tinai 1. Nirmal Selvamony and Nirmaldasan.

Chennai: Persons for Alternative Social Order, 1-14.

2001. Selvamony, Nirmal. 'Ecorights', Current Issues in Bioethics and Environment. Eds. Gabriel, Joshua

and Jayapaul Azariah. Chennai: Department of Philosophy, Madras Christian College, 265-291.

2002. Selvamony, Nirmal. 'Ecosculpture', Madras Christian College Magazine LXVIII (2001-2002): 30-


2002. Selvamony, Nirmal. 'Ecopoetics' (Tamil), Madras Christian College Magazine LXVIII (2001-2002):


tinai 2