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Ramayana Ballet, staged on our pen air theatre every night. This performance has run since 1975. No matter the weather for we provide another big room for the perofrmance. No matter the number of the visitor for we and all artists who supprot this perfomance have promised to maintain the spectacular cultur performance. Our open air theatre which is the only one in the town can support seat for more than 600 persons. The story of Rama adn Shinta which describe the fight good agains bad held from 08.00pm to 09.30am, or after the guests have dinner at our Gazebo Garden Restaurant.
With the help of Marico who changes himself into a Golden Deer and seduces Rama, Shinta and Laksamana, Rahwana is able to kidnap Shinta.

Jatayu tries to save the princess but he is detected and fall to the ground. Before Jatayu dies, he manages to tell Rama that Shinta is kidnapped. Then Rama orders Hanoman to go Alengka to see the condition of Queen Shinta.

After Hanoman gives Rama’s ring to Shinta, he destroys Argacoca garden and fights against the giants. Lastly Hanoman is arrested by Hindrajat and Rahwana has the white ape burnt, but Hanoman does not die.

In Pancawati, Hanoman reports about the situation of Alengka. Then Hanggodo is delegated to go to Alengka to ask Rahwana to return Shinta peacefully. This makes Rahwana angry and he orders his men to kill Hanggodo, but Kumbokarno protects him. As the result, Rahwana throws Kumbokarno out of the country. When the soldiers are commanded to the battle Hindrajit ear nestly asks Kumbokarno for help. In the battle, all of Alengka's soldiers are killed as well as Kumbokarno. After visiting Shinta in the garden, Rahwana fights Rama.

Rama manages to win the fight. Then Hanoman fetches Shinta, who is very happy to meet her husband However Rama rejects her, as he suspects about Shinta's purity. Rama asks Shinta to have a holy bathing by jumping into the burning fire.


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