Ramdin Chacha Visits Abu Dhabi

Satellite phone as a complement of cellphone, boosts the morale of the user.

With growing number of nephews and nieces, this time Ramdin chacha decided to make a visit to Abu Dhabi and have a personal look at this favourite destination of many patrons of his "Ramdin Travels".

Though not yet very familiar with the roaming capabilities of his cellphone, chacha decided to carry it along. Just in case ...! Soon after boarding the plane and settling down, chacha tried using his cellphone but was politely told by the attending airhostess not to do so as it would interfere with the flight communications. Without his cellphone buzzerbattoo's buzzing, chacha felt cut-off almost lifeless. He started remembering the calls he forgot to make before leaving.

The restlessness kept growing. The airhostess felt that something was amiss with this simple soul probably on his first flight. Few sympathetic questions and chacha expressed his anxiety of having lost connection with the rest of the world. And lo and behold, he was informed that he need not worry because the plane had a sky phone, an in-plane satellite phone service and as soon as the plane takes off, he could use it. Chacha felt full of life once again!

Even at $7 a minute chacha did not mind, in view of the urgency and importance of calls to his key clients, insurance company, etc. Chacha was impressed by the way the satellite phone complemented his cellphone. But why couldn't he just have one satellite-phone all the way to his home? His co-traveller, who seemed to be some kind of a telecom whizz-kid, informed that satellite phones need to be in direct view of the satellite and for coverage inside buildings, a mobile call still has to go through cellular networks.

Chacha entered Abu Dhabi airport terminal quite apprehensively, this being the first foreign land he set his foot onto. He was surprised to be greeted by the immigration official "Aap Hindustan mein kahan se aaye hain?" Chacha looked satisfied by the good job being done by his nephews.

Received by Indram, chacha's eyes sparkled looking at SIM card in his hand. Chacha quickly inserted it in his cellphone and called secretarial service of Csell Zee in India to inform his Abu Dhabi number to his callers as he could not afford to be out of reach for too long.

All along the road from the airport to the sea, chacha found lush green grass and palm trees on both sides of the road. "Is it a mirage I am seeing? Am I not in a desert?" he asked Indram. Indram could only laugh "chacha, man can make impossible possible ... this is just the beginning!"

For the first few hours, chacha remained on phone calling all his nephews and nieces. It was hard for him to believe that he never got a busy tone. He insisted on Indram to take him to the local telephone babu to personally meet and congratulate him. Indram finally gave in and took him to local operator's customer care centre where he not only saw many Indian faces but was also spoken to in his own language.

"Tell me what is different about 'your' cellular service from 'mine' in India!" Chacha was always loyal to Csell Zee, thanks to its excellent customer relations. "Not much as both use GSM technology prescribing common features and standards". Chacha was told, the day was not far when he would receive roaming calls in Abu Dhabi after being diverted from Csell Zee's network in India once the agreements are in place.

Chacha looked at his buzzerbattoo with pride!

By Niraj K.Gupta, Voice and Data, November 1996.


(In Dirhams, 1 Dhr = Rs 10 approx.)

Service 500 ("Bulletin Board")

For public access to information providers and commercial databases world-wide for PC users. Supported and accessed via PSTN.


Dhr 50 per quarter

Installation charges

Dhr 200

Call Charges

Depends on speed

Service 800 (nation-wide, toll free service)

For corporate and business customers as a tool to market their products and services to end-customers who dial one easy-to-remember, dedicated telephone number.

Operational Charges

Installation Charges (Dhr)

Quarterly Rent (Dhr)

Central Access



Multi Access (programming of each exchange @ Dhr 300 extra)



Calling CardCustomer dials an access numbers, enters card number, and PIN code to get a dial tone and makes national or international calls at standard rates. Calling cards are of two types:

Etisalat Calling Cards (ECC): can have call charges billed to nominated home, business or mobile phone

Prepaid Calling Card (PCC): to budget telephone expenditure. (Various denominations of Dhr--5/50/100).Etisalat uses Intelligent Network (IN) solution from Alcatel.

GSM Mobile Service

Etisalat offers GSM mobile service in Abu Dhabi using Alcatel equipment



SIM Card Charges

Dhr 100

Connection Charges

Dhr 200 (once only)

Subscription Rent

Dhr 120/quarter

Call Charges



Dhr 0.90/minute (0700- 400 & 1600-2400 hrs)


Dhr 0.45/minute (1400-1600 & 2400-0700 hrs)

International Calls

Normal IDD

Voice Mail Service "Al Zajel"

Notifies user of any messages deposited in mail box via a pager/cell phone/any specified telephone. Message can be accessed from local or international locations by using any touch tone telephones.

Service Type



Connection Charges



Quarterly Charge



Maximum Access Charges/Quarter



Fixed Telephone Access Charges To Voice Mail BoxNormal: Dhr 0.18/minute (from 0700-1400 & 1600-1900 hrs)Cheap: Dhr 0.09/minute (from 1400-1600 & 1900- 0700 hrs)Full Friday & public holiday

For Corporate:

Discount on connection charges: up to 25% on 51 boxes

Maximum rent + call charges/quarter: 90 Dhr for basic/120 Dhr for enhanced

Roaming Service: available to 22 countries

Niraj K Gupta