Dale's quick RAW Report for April 5, 1999
Taped March 30, 1999
Hour 1 & 2 Commentators: Michael Cole & Jerry "The King" Lawler
Location: Long Island, New York

MATCH 1:(Tag Titles Match) Kane & DX's X-Pac vs. Owen Hart & Jeff Jarrett(champs)
WINNER: Kane & X-Pac when X-Pac pinned Jeff Jarrett via a chokeslam from Kane the Kane tossing X-Pac on Jarrett(5:44)8/10

MATCH 2:(non-title match) Job Squad's Al Snow vs. "Hardcore" Bob Holly(hardcore champ)
WINNER: Al Snow by pinfall via Snowplow(4:07)7/10

MATCH 3: DX's New Age Outlaws vs. Brood's Gangrel & Edge
WINNERS: New Age Outlaws when Billy Gunn pinned Christian(who did a switch with Gangrel)via Rocker Dropper(4:49)8/10

MATCH 4: Corporation's Ken Shamrock vs. MoD's Viscera
WINNER: No Contest(2:00)3/10

MATCH 5: Val Venis vs. Mankind
WINNER: Mankind by submission via Mandible Claw(4:40)7/10

MATCH 6:(Intercontanental Title Match) "The Godfather" Kama Mustafa vs. Goldust(champ)
WINNER: Double Countout(2:42)5/10

MATCH 7: "The Big Show" Paul Wight vs. Corporation's "The Rock" Rocky Maivia & Hunter Hearst Helmsley
WINNER: Paul Wight by DQ via Chyna giving Wight a low blow(4:09)6/10

COMMENTS: When Ken Shamrock returns I wonder how bad he's gonna snap. The Boss Man returned tonight also, he must of "resurrected" from the dead after he got hung at Wrestlemania. Ken will probably return next week like nothing happened to, but it's gonna be freaky to see how Ryan looks next week(I think she'll end up looking like Luna or Chastity). I heard the WWF recently released Steven Regal. I wish the lightweight division will pick up, if they just have Gillberg wrestle against Christian, Too Much or The Hardy Boyz. Thats just 6 light hw's which I'm sure will make the division just fine because the WWF already has a successful Womens division with only Sable, Ivory, Torri, & Jacquelyn(Terri Runnels and Debra never wrestle and Chyna likes competing in the men's division) It'd be cool if Taka Michanoku returned also, with the rest of Kaientai. Then they'd have 10 light HW's and the way WWF does their angles they'll make it way better than the WWF's cruiserweight division. Oh, well you guys probably don't care anyways. Weird how Kane & X-Pac are tag champs now. The show did great with the midcard matches that were nice and long and as usual great interviews, but the main event could've had a decent finish. The show gets an A. C ya next week.