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Cruis 'n' USA codes


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On the car select screen high one of the first three car going from left to right. Then hold up, Down, and Left C buttons simultaneously. You car will then change to a bus, a jeep, or a Police Car. LIGHTS AND SIRENS Use the Jeep or Police Car and set a record for a race. Once you've entered your initials for first place, scroll down to the bottom of the score board. Press the control stick to the left and hold it for about 30 seconds. You'll notice the conveyor belt rolling at the bottom of the screen. In about 30 seconds the head of one of the programmers appears. once it appears you can activate flashing lights on the Bus or the Police Car and activate sirens on the police car during any race thereafter, until you turn the power off.To activate lights or the sirens tap your brakes twice then push the accelerator. NITROUS BOOST Set a record again with any of the hidden vehicles hold the control stick for 30 seconds again after you enterd your initials then wait for the head to appear. Now you can get the Nitros(extra spped bursts) by pressing brake,brake,gas,brake,gas. you can only use one burst per checkpoint. 3 HIDDEN COURSES These are the hidden courses: Indiana, San Fran, and Golden Gate. To race in Indiana highlight Beverly Hills then hold left(on control pad),top c, aand right c while holding those press start. To race in San Fransisco highlight Grand Canyon and hold(contol pad), bottom c, right c and push start. To race on Golden Gate highlight US 101 and hold left(control pad), bottom c, right c and push start.
