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10 Big Poes

Hi and welcome! Here you'll find all 10 Big Poes!

The Big Poes only appear in Hyrule Field as Adult Link while riding Epona. Don't get them confused with regular poes, which appear when you aren't riding Epona. You'll know a Big Poe because they fly away instead of attacking you, and it will say it's a Big Poe when you put it in a bottle. Catch them by shooting them with 2 arrows then walking up to their remains. Make sure you have an empty bottle. If you figure out exactly where you have to be to make a Poe appear (try slowly walking with Epona around an area where you saw a big poe and stop as soon as you hear it), you can just wait there and the poe will keep reappearing in the same spot, in the direction Epona is facing, every 10 seconds or so. There are 10 Big Poes to find and capture to bring to the Poe Trader, who is at the entrance to Hyrule Castle.

Center of Hyrule Field near a tree next to the entrance to Lon Lon Ranch

Middle right of Hyrule Field near a gray boulder South from the Kokiri Forest entrance

Top right of Hyrule Field near an overhang by Zora's River overlooking the entrance to Kakariko Village. Try backing up Epona onto the overhang and the poe should appear in front of you.

Center right of Hyrule Field along a brick wall East of Lon Lon Ranch. Ride close to the outside of the wall and it should appear when you hit the corner.

Center of Hyrule Field in front of Hyrule Castle, near a sign pointing to Lon Lon Ranch

Middle left of Hyrule Field, on a triangular section of grass to the Southwest of where the paths leading into Gerudo Valley cross, right next to the outer wall of Hyrule Field.

Middle left of Hyrule Field near a lone tree just barely North of the paths leading into Gerudo Valley.

Top left of Hyrule Field, near a stream that's coming out of the West side of Hyrule Castle, next to one of the bushes there.

Bottom right of Hyrule Field near a green tree and a patch of high grass (the kind you can cut with your sword). Ride through or stand in the middle of the patch of high grass.

Bottom right of Hyrule Field near a rock in a grove of brown trees. The grove is right next to the green tree from Poe #9. Stand or ride past the tree that's just to the Southeast of the rock.

Note: Top right, middle right, etc. refer to where to look on the Hyrule Field map. So top right is actually Northeast.
