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Wednesday, July 2, 2003
Pinko Jerks
By Steve
Jesus Tap-Dancing Christ

A wee bit of time has passed since anything has been added to this bastille of stupidity, if I do say so myself. It doesn't matter now, because we are in store for a flood of shit the likes of which has never been seen; since there was a huge flood of shit, that is. If you hop on over to the pictures pages, you'll see a select group of shots from Alberta's Own Rock Weekend 2003 that took place by Donalda this weekend.

What a Blast.

Now, what does this mean for the rest of us? It means that there will soon be new pictures from as far back as New Years 2003. We'll see such memories as those born at the last two house parties in Edmonton, Bubba Parties this summer, and, ofcourse, Ryan's last show with the Frank.

Sit back and enjoy.

Also, if you look above in the menu bar, you'll see that an Il Duce section is coming. Yes, an entire page dedicated to the chaos and mystery surrounding our humble lord... of shenanigans.

Saturday, Jan 4, 2003
Hidden Bonus!
By Steve
For those of us who are bored out of their skulls, I have put a hidden toast somewhere on this site. Feel free to look around but be warned, it may only be there until tomorrow.

Happy hunting.

Sunday, Nov 17, 2002
What's that smell?
By Steve
Contrary to what the Surgeon General might tell you, our party was an absolute blast. It seemed obvious that most people were having a good time and this will only lead to future shindigs. The only qualm some people seemed to hold was the high like peewee volume levels and I suppose that in the future we should be a little more sympathetic towards those of us who haven’t already lost thirty percent of their hearing. I myself have the distinct privilege of being host to about a 140 dB threshold that a certain sound must pass before it registers to my flaky eardrums as loud.

In other news, all things Rylan report that we should have some pictures as soon as tomorrow, or if I wait another hour, today. To tide you all over until then, let me share with you two things I learned this weekend.

One should not barbeque while playing Metal Gear Solid 2. The forty minute cut-scenes really help the burnt retarded side of things. No, that is not a piece of moose shit, it is in fact a burger.

The only thing cooler than a guitar is this guitar. I’d like to take this time to say no, I don’t have hepatitis and my thumb is healing nicely.

Thursday, Nov 7, 2002
What? Where Am I?
By Matt
So anyway... life's gotten really intesting lately and I'm suddenly in a lot of debt =p. Stories will be told in full the next time I'm in Edmonton. I stumbled accross a little bit of hilarity on the net today, kinda random but you can check it out on the right sidebar, or Just Click Here if you're a lazy bastard.

That is all. Someone post something interesting on the forum.

Saturday, Oct 26, 2002
Oh My, Was That Your Kidney?
By Matt
Treble Charger was this friday. Sadly, I missed the show because as I'm oft known to do while in Edmonton I had an adventure. 3 Beer and a couple of shots of sherry left me in a very energetic slightly drunken mood, and when I decided to charge the van and elbow it... Well let's just say I now have 7 stiches and a $280.00 window repair on my mastercard. Hooray!

Little techno-geek stuff here, but the page went down briefly on Friday because of going over our alotted "bandwidth" for those who don't know that means too many people looked at the page over too little a period of time. So my question is... who the hell is visiting our page and not posting on the forum? =p

Hoping to scrape some money together and be healed sufficiently to come up to Edmonton again on the 15th, planning to get re-aquainted with my old friend Mr. Smirnoff. Later.

Friday, Oct 18,2002
Bear Necessities
By Steve
Big day

As you may or may not be aware, we have new pictures. You may or may not care, but you should. Infact you should care deeply.

The beauty of today's pictures are that they come from a little camping shindig back in June (we were so young then...) and are only now surfacing. I made a vallant attempt at putting them in some sort of chronological order and if you move the mouse along the little wee thumbnail pictures, you get a vivid description of the weekend's events.

OH, and you get to watch Jimmy go from sober to complete fucking idiot in 9 easy steps.

Thursday, Oct 10,2002
Bigger Than Jesus!
By Matt
So anyway I'm sitting at RDC trying to blow some steam after 3 mid-terms by venting on the forums, but there's nothing new to post on so I go searching through my old friend drivethru-records. Now bear with me this story is going somewhere...

Usually it has been the responsibility of the media (or Rylan) to notify me of when CD's are coming and that tracks from said CD are already available, so it came as quite a shock to me today to find Blink-182 is releasing a new CD on October 22nd, and they've got a free track up on their site.

In other news, I don't know how everyone else feels about Treble Charger, but I consider them a superior band, and when I saw them with Eve6 it was as close to heaven as I hope to come, this all leads to them playing a show on October 25th at Reds. I'm sure you people in Edmonton are already aware of this and just didn't tell me... =(.

Finally, I'll be in Edmonton on saturday night, as Mark from RD is turning 18, and I may stay for Sunday as Monday is a sweet sweet holiday. What's everyone else upto? Bleh.

Thursday, Oct 10, 2002
By Steve
South Korean dies in marathon game session

According to an Associated Press report, South Korean police said today that a man has died after an 86-hour gaming marathon. The incident occurred at an Internet café in a town 160 miles southwest of Seoul, where the man, who was unemployed, had been "virtually glued" to a computer since Friday, skipping sleep and meals. The man collapsed near the café's counter and was later found dead in the restroom. Many Internet cafés in South Korea are open 24 hours a day.

I once saw a woman eat dog shit out of a 12 year old Korean boy's ass. This doesn't explain anything.


7.02.03 So many
8.26.02 Banner added
8.26.02 Camping pics
8.23.02 Pictures page


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