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Send in your replays

Online people are dipshits

Ladies and Gentlemen...Rylan

This is what happens when people with actual talent play.

Matt is Blue playin with some random guy, this is howto Sair/DT a Zerg, I coulda killed Orange on my own.

Well... Matt plays Terran, Steve plays Zerg. We both got one of em ;)

Matt and Steve playin well, only took... what... 4 games? ;)

Have something to say?

Tuesday, Oct 23, 2002
My Bitches
By Jason
I decided that waiting for Andrew to go home and get his broodwar stuff was an illogical choice. $27.00 later I am now fully equipped with the items that will soon dominate my life. I have adventured into the land of broodwar.

Monday, Sept 23, 2002
Calling all Assfucks
By Steve
Now I remember why I stopped playing this damned game... because of breast-feeding 8 year olds like this guy you'll see me playing on the left(it shouldn't be hard to find...the description is pretty obvious). The only unjust concept with these replays is that one cannot see the conversations held between the people playing. This asshole would just not shut up. "Yourz a fAgZ...fuQ Ur Mom Biatch...Ur gAyer thaN GAy fAggoT...NeWb FaG faGGot thats a GaY FaGGt thats GAY" This went on for the better part of an hour. I just don't get people nowadays. I even asked him, sincerely, "so, why do you have to act like a prick? Why can't you just play?" This intelligent question was responded to either with "Ur GAYZZ" or "FaGG NueB" or some other variance of idiocy. The nail in the casket was when I brought the sure signs of death into his base and he dropped. Not just any drop, but one of those ones that gives you a disconnect. Oh well. Really, what can you do??

On a lighter note, there's a replay of Rylan and me playing each other. Fun for the whole family.

Thursday, August 29,2002
Forgot about Dre
By Steve
Don't forget about me. I can usually be found making a ham sandwich as Tweeter(D)b. On my better days, people like to call me Fluffy, or something like that.

Thursday, August 29, 2002
Let the games begin!
By Matt
Each replay is about the size of a picture, I've coded them in so that they can easily be found and removed as we need space. I only plan to have 5 or so up at any given time, they'll all be located along the left bar as they are now. Play by plays for the games will go up as I find free time, needless to say watch the 1st replay it isn't Steve or myself, it Starcraft played at a pro level. Almost entertaining to watch ;)

Big FYI thing, to watch the replays you've gotta save them in C:\Program Files\Starcraft\Maps\Replays, if you have any trouble finding that just e-mail me.

I don't exactly have big plans for the section, but things come to me now and again, and you can bet Steve's gonna just tweak something out in some some place or another on the site, so keep your eyes open. Hope to start seein Rylan/Joe/Jay on someday msg me up as TzR_Starfire or Sloppy(D)b. Later.

Tuesday, August 27,2002
All power to the Alpha Geek
By Jason
That's great, maybe then I'll figure out how to play the bloody game. But Steve had mentioned a significant amount of space had been taken up by gobs of pictures. How big are the replays? will there be room? and why couldn't we start up another page shearly for the purpose of uploading and keep large stuff on that site?

Tuesday, August 27,2002
All Hail The King of The Geeks
By Matt
I'm gonna start loading replays of games Steve and I have played, as we do know what we're doing to a degree, I'll leave some commentary on what we're doing, and how I'm saving Steve's ass which almost invariably happens.


9.01.02Temp Forum
8.29.02 Brood War
Section Updated
8.26.02 Banner added
8.26.02 Camping pics
8.23.02 Pictures page


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