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Angelus Unbound: Chapter 5

Disclaimer: I don't own them. Mutant Enemy does. All hail Joss

Spoilers/Ships: This is AU. Angelus/Buffy.

Distribution: Sure, just let me know.

Feedback: Is always nice.

Rating: R for violence and sex.

Author's Note: This one has been Jossed into kingdom come by Calvary.
But you can still…enter my nightmare… -Rhi

Buffy was screaming.  Pain ripped through her body like a live thing,
tearing at her muscles and shredding nerves until she was certain
that she must go insane from the torment.  Warm softly lit clouds
gave way abruptly to cold dank dark and she screamed harder, moving
hands that felt as though they'd been flayed to pound against the
surface too close to her face.  She was trapped, confined, and
suffocating. She felt it, even as she drew breath to scream again in
hopeless, terrified agony.

Abruptly, she woke.  She opened her eyes, breathing heavily in the
close dark.  Where?  *I'm not in my room.  Where's my light?  Wait…* 
The night's happenings flashed through her head.  *I'm at the
mansion.  That's it.  The fire must have gone out.  But it's so
dark.  And it smells.*  And she was naked, she realized, her hands
crossed over her chest and her head resting on...

"Oh, No!  No, please!"  Buffy moved her hands to press upward and
felt the too-familiar satin of a coffin lining. She turned her head
from side to side eyes wide and searching the impenetrable darkness
for any sign of light, but there was none.  The pillow under her
cheek was slimy and half rotted.  That was when she began screaming.


Angelus had fallen asleep on the floor stroking the finely wrought
metal of the coffin.  It had been a bitch and a half to drill
through, but well worth it, he'd thought as he drifted off.  Pleasant
dreams of hunting innocents through the back streets of London,
Paris, Istanbul, and St. Petersburg occupied him as he growled in his
sleep.  The screaming, when it started, simply melded into the dream,
echoing down the dark labyrinth in which he hunted.

Abruptly he woke, recognizing the voice in the screams as the only
voice he truly wished to torment for eternity.  Buffy was awake. 
Angelus grinned and sat up, listening to her increasingly frantic
pounding on the inside of the coffin.  The space inside was too tight
for her to use those powerful legs to kick the top off, and he was
fairly certain that she didn't have the physical strength in her arms
to punch through the metal.  He could hear what was left of the
lining tearing at her attack upon it.

Her hands hammered furiously upon the inside of the lid and she began
to howl in terror and pain.  It was music, sweet terrified music, to
his ears.  He smiled evilly to himself and settled himself
comfortably to listen to the lovely strains of his mate's mind

She couldn't get out.  Her knuckles were broken and split, pain
lancing from them up her arm as she battered hopelessly at the
metallic lid of the coffin.  She was certain it was a coffin, certain
now that she wasn't dreaming.  She was dead again.  Somehow, they'd
buried her again.  They'd brought her back again.  Had she died after
fighting Bringers with Angel?  Poor Angel, he'd never forgive himself
that he'd failed to save her.  But her last memories weren't nearly
as cloudy as they'd been after Willow resurrected her.  She
remembered fighting, remembered being wounded.

Buffy forced herself to a state of almost calm.  *Think rationally,
Buffy.*  But it was so hard.  She could feel herself suffocating,
feel the heaviness of earth and dark pushing at her just as it had
when she'd been ripped from heaven, just as it did every night in her
dreams until she had to completely exhaust herself in order to sleep
at all.  She was shaking like a leaf, every cell in her body
screaming for air, for light, for freedom from this terrible tomb. 
She brought trembling hands up to her face, covering it and cowering
there in the dark.  Her skin shrank from the touch of the dank
satin.  Her nose burned with the stench of decay all around her.

What if she was dead?  Was she in hell?  *Is this what hell is?* she
wondered.  *No.  No.  I'm dreaming. That's it.  This is just more
nightmare.  Ok, Buffy, you're dreaming.  That's it.*  She forced her
body to calm, closed her eyes and attempted to slow her frantic
breathing.  *I'm in a nightmare, just like the others.  I just can't
wake up right now.  I'll be calm and wait, then I'll wake up.  I'll…
I'll count, that's it… feet under. Underground. 
Ground.  Dirt.  Worms.  Maggots and worms and things crawling all


The screaming had stopped long before Angelus was ready for it.  His
mate was tougher than he'd anticipated.  He'd been sure that
entombing her in her worst nightmare would break her immediately.  Of
course, he'd been wrong.  Buff was stronger than that…she'd proved
that to him before.  He wondered how long she'd manage to keep
herself calm before the next round of hysteria.  He stepped to the
kitchen and availed himself of some bagged blood.  He hated the
stuff, it reminded him of soulboy, but he didn't want to miss a
minute of the drama unfolding in his living room.


Buffy was on 843 and still hadn't managed to wake up.  She was
shaking uncontrollably now, and each tremor rubbed her oversensitive
skin against the fetid satin of the coffin she kept trying to believe
she wasn't entombed in.

It wasn't working.  Hysterical screams were rising from the pit of
her empty stomach, now roiling with nausea and fear.  *Please let it
be a dream, please let it be a dream,* "Please let it be a dream,"
she said and opened her eyes to darkness.  The screams ripped
themselves out of her throat as if she was nothing but an empty
vessel containing nothing but terror and she lost control, pounding
and ripping at the lid above her face until she felt the warmth of
her own blood dripping onto her face from her lacerated hands and
torn fingernails.

Still she ripped at the lid, tearing desperately at the unyielding
metal and screaming, screaming, screaming until her voice gave out to
hoarse whispers and then to nothing at all as she sobbed in utter
exhaustion and despair.  At last she passed out, even her Slayer's
constitution too weak to sustain such fear and pain.


Angelus smirked at the crescendo of screams leaking from the coffin. 
Buff sure had some lungs, he'd grant her that.  Eventually, though,
her voice grew raspy and hoarse.  It finally gave out and the
desperate hammering on the lid was interspersed with periods of
silence.  Each pounding fit was interrupted by longer silences until
at last there was no sound at all.

He unlatched the coffin slowly and gazed warily within.  She was
everything he'd hoped for, dreamed of.  Buffy's exhausted face was
spattered with her own blood, her hands dripping with it, and her
torso liberally covered.  She was out cold, even her pulse slow in
the aftermath of her terror-induced hysteria.

Angelus lifted one slender arm out of the coffin and began licking
the blood from her lacerated fingers, sucking each one into his mouth
and cleaning it before moving his way down her wrist and arm.  He
grabbed the other arm and bathed it similarly, reveling in the
unbelievable taste of Slayer's blood, *his* Slayer's blood, as it
dissolved on his tongue.

Sweeter than the sweetest port, tangier than the limes his merchant
father had shipped back from Portugal, softer on the tongue than the
finest chocolate, her blood was purity, power, perfection.  He lifted
her gently in his arms and climbed the stairs to his suite, where he
carried her naked body to the bath.  Holding her close in his arms,
he ran a warm bath while he licked her blood-spattered face with
long, sensual strokes of his tongue.

His mouth moved downward to lap at the scar he'd placed on her neck
so long ago, Marking her as his, and only his, for all time.  He was
tempted to sink fangs into her; reclaiming her as his own, but even
her exhausted slumber would not withstand that.  Instead, he stripped
his clothes carelessly from his muscular body and climbed with his
delectable prey into the warm water.  Buffy didn't even stir as he
bathed her, cleaning her blood-stained hair until it shone.  Her body
stank of fear and blood, and he bathed away even those delicious
smells until she was clean.

Angelus climbed lithely from the tub, his mate held gently in his
powerful grasp as he dried her and bandaged her poor wounded hands. 
Then he took her to his bed and curled himself next to her, grinning
as he awaited her next rising and his plans for her then.

To be continued…

Title Page
Author's Page