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Title: Broken 1-13/?
Author: Danielle
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: Up and through Into the Woods
Summary: Buffy is raped by someone she thought she could trust
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters. They belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, UPN, and whoever has rights to these people in court. Do not sue me, I'm poor anyway.
Distribution: Whoever wants it can have it, just e-mail me first so I can come and visit. It will be at my site

The door creaked a little too loudly, the carpet was a little too thin on the floor, the bed was a little too far from her reach. Everything felt different; she wasn't the same person anymore it seemed. She stumbled blindly through the room, not daring to illuminate the harsh light that would scorch her battered eyes. All she wanted to do was sleep. No, that wasn't true, all she wanted to do was wake-up. How could this have happened?


There he was, the look on his face a confused mixture of pain and enjoyment. He had wanted more, she had given him all she could, and it wasn't enough. It hurt, and she didn't know why, she didn't think she cared that much. Maybe it was the fact that stuff just like this kept happening, or that she hadn't noticed it and needed someone else to show her, or maybe just that he didn't even have the decency to get another live girl to replace her with. Stupid vampire bitch, stupid Riley, stupid Spike, stupid her. She didn't want to know. She ran out of the room, tailed by some people she had no desire to identify.
She was sitting on her bed wanting to cry, but not really knowing how to go about it. It stung less. The more she thought about it, it wasn't her fault. She had done nothing wrong. He was the guilty one, the one who should feel the need to cry.

There was a knock at her door, dissolving her thoughts. She wasn't sure if she should even bother to get up. She didn't know if she wanted to face what was on the other side. They knocked again, a more impatient noise this time, begging to be acknowledged. She headed to the door, and swung it open harshly, glaring at the man on the other side. “Riley, you stupid ignorant fuck! How can you even think of showing up here at my home, after what you did to me? How did you get in anyway? If Dawn let you in, I'm going to kill her.”

“No, I used the key you gave me. Buffy let me explain. Please, can we go somewhere to talk about this?” His words were a little slow and thick coming from his mouth, as though he was laboring through them.

“Why should I go anywhere with you? You hurt me Riley, you really hurt me.” Her voice had gotten very quiet and as it did so, his face fell. He realized now how serious this was.

“Give me a chance Buffy, everything will be better after this, I promise.”

“Don't make promises you don't know how to keep,” She grabbed her coat from a chair back. “Where are we going?”

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