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There was noise in her room, and she lay perfectly still beneath her sheets. How was it still night? Wouldn't it ever be over, this tragic evening? “Buffy?”

“Spike go away.” Her voice was raw and she felt the tears begin to form again due to the sharp throbbing in her jaw.

“I wanted to apologize, I shouldn't have shown you like that. But, I thought you had to know, about Riley...” At the mention of his name, she cried out, the pain suddenly fresh again. “Luv, what's wrong?” His voice was full of concern, and as he came closer, he saw her face. “Who the bloody hell did this to you?”

She stood up from her bed, the movement again allowing small droplets of blood to leak out. A thin red line began to grow on the front of her nightshirt. “Don't worry about it Spike, can you just leave?
I'm not really in a talking mood.”

“Buffy you'll bleeding all over the bloody place, you're face looks like a major league baseball team went at it with their bats and you've been crying. What happened?” He was yelling at her, and she kept pushing herself farther and farther away from him.

“Keep your voice down, Dawn's sleeping.”

“You have many more important things to worry about than that.” The brand on her thigh was beginning to pulsate and sting as she felt the blood trickle out of that wound also. She saw the look in Spike's eyes, knew that he was going nuts from the blood that was leaking from her, but still he stood there, a few steps away, the crystal blue eyes the only indication that he was more excited than sickened. “Please let me take you somewhere to get help, doesn't have to be a hospital or doctor, we can go to Giles'.”

“I'm not interested and finding you in my bedroom twice in one night is wearing my patience thin. Just leave.” She sat down on the floor as he exited out onto her roof, the room spinning once again. She couldn't tell if it was blood loss or if the drugs had yet to fully wear off.

She felt so dirty, diseased even, by what had happened to her. The tears came again, stinging the sore tissue of her cheeks. “You're just a little slut.” she whispered to herself. “Nothing more than someone's stupid slut.”

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